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  1. texasreefrat


    Competition fuels the world. I was under the impression that links were no longer feared by SWF? Someone needs to print this or show us where it is. I frequent several boards that belong to fish stores and no one else seems afraid?
  2. texasreefrat

    spots on coraline

    When my Trocus snail cruzes across the coroline he leaves a white trail, almost like he sucks the purple out of it. It does seem to come back in a week or so.
  3. texasreefrat

    best way to catch a damsel

    I think it is physically impossible to catch a yellow tail in a reef environment. If you do catch him, I have one you can fish for! Good luck
  4. texasreefrat

    Has anyone ever heard of this happening??

    Foam Pre-Filters, cheap and lifesavers.
  5. texasreefrat

    I do water changes...

    Never, unless something is out of wack, I dont see the need.
  6. texasreefrat

    Bullet Proof GARF reef aquarium question

    It is , not .com
  7. texasreefrat

    Bullet Proof GARF reef aquarium question

    Personally, I worship the gods of GARF. The guys there are more than happy to talk to you concerning propogation and maintenance. They also work to save reefs by propogation, and get an A for that in my book.
  8. texasreefrat

    H2O Tests and Schedule

    Personally, I test for PH, Trites and Trates, and Ammonia. I test about once every two weeks just fro grins, and test anytime something looks bad or just not right. I must tell you though, I think Im just plain lucky. I see all the horror stories in here about the bad things we do, and I seem to...
  9. texasreefrat

    Killer arrow crab

    Guess I am the lucky one, I am on my second arrow crab and the only thing either of them have killed is Fireworms. I have a small peppermint shrimp that co-habitates in the cave opening with the arrow.
  10. texasreefrat

    cleaner shrimp old scale

    Also, if you leave it in the tank it will not cause a problem, it will break down naturally. Since there is no flesh, mainly calcium and iodine compounds it will not foul your water.
  11. texasreefrat

    unidentified objects / remedy?

    I have something like you discribe, look at it very closely, does it have a red fan coming out one end?
  12. texasreefrat

    Horse Shoe

    The only problem is they are pod eaters and will depleate a tank of pods quite quickly as they grow, according to the LFS anyhow.
  13. texasreefrat

    Can I have a ......

    Colored Angler?(Antennarius sp.) All that I have read shows them to be reef safe, and they stay relatively small. Anyone have one or have a story I might need to know?
  14. texasreefrat

    150 Watt Incandescent Bulbs?

    I have a 65W Incandescent that comes on before my normal VHO lighting and then turns off, it comes on again just before my lights turn off and stays on for an hour. I use it as a dawn and dusk simulator. Before this my corals were just there, and now they seem to be more active and in general...
  15. texasreefrat

    WOW! Factor

    Ok, have a tank in my office and Im looking for some shock value. I need a fish that is reefsafe, and plays nice with other small fish, but one that tends to knock your socks off. Basically I want to know what your favorite (look wise) fish is? (edit) The tank is a 135. Two tangs two damzels and...
  16. texasreefrat

    How do I get my mushrooms to stay?

    Glue it and it will die. It is a soft tissue creature, most likely it would syat glued for a day or so and the glued area would sluff off and it would be loose again.
  17. texasreefrat

    Lil' Shroom!

    Shrooms have a toxic mucas layer and contact with many corals can be bad, least that is what I have read. Button polyps do too, and if you have a small cut and mess with them it can get a nasty infection(experience).
  18. texasreefrat

    regular price for DT'S ?

    10.99 for my bottle.
  19. texasreefrat

    Acclimating a brittle star

    I dont understand this much, I have two tanks and in each I have added a green brittle. The most I did was float them for a while, then dumped them in. Both are very healthy, and extremely hardy by the way. Im sure the more delicate( feathers) are more sensitive.
  20. texasreefrat

    plexiglas under lights- good or bad?

    I have one tank with Glass and one without, the one with is a pain, constantly having to clean the glass, and removing salt can be difficult if you let it stay for a while along with calcium deposits. The one without is pretty much maintenance free as far as the top goes, I built a canopy(around...