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  1. nomad

    ZOO???? hitching a ride on LR???

    Don't take the LR out of the water, just move it closer to the glass.
  2. nomad

    Video of My Maroon making a mess

    I just hadto show my 4 yr old grandson the videos. He thought the fish was hilarious, we had to wach the videos several times each, but he also wanted to see more pics of your other fishes.
  3. nomad

    Gas prices pissing you off?

    What is really p*ssing me off is the futurities people here in the USA who are bidding up the price of gas trying to make money off the misery of the hurricane victims as well as the rest of us. They are just a bunch of slime mold and that's an insult to the real slime molds. :mad:
  4. nomad

    First Pics

    Very nice looking tank. Larger pics would be nice so we could see more detail, but delightful pics nonetheless.
  5. nomad

    Breeding Clownfish

    How about a pic of the proud parents? :happyfish
  6. nomad

    HEY BANG!!! does this look about right??

    How about a pic of the proud parents? :happyfish
  7. nomad

    5 Jawfish!!!

    You could have soap opera going on here, with the lonely one sneeking around having affairs with some of the others. Stay tuned. :thinking:
  8. nomad

    Video of My Maroon making a mess

    That fish is too precious for words. No wonder you're going around the bend over this one. I don't know if I'd want to laugh or throttle her.
  9. nomad

    HELP!!! worm in my tank!!!

    Worms are good, they are garbageworms working hard to keep your tank clean and neat. :happyfish
  10. nomad

    Pics of my 75 gallon reef

    Very nice and very balanced in appearance and good pics too.
  11. nomad

    First Corals Ever!!!!

    Mimzy, thank you for your pic of a miniserpent star with just its arms poking out of the LR. I've been seeing the same thing in my nano but wasn't quite sure if it wasn't the feeding apparatus of some worm, although I noticed that the structures weren't stretching out too far, the idea of a...
  12. nomad

    My new favorite shrimp!

    Yes, Speg, pics--more pics!
  13. nomad

    A few Pictures

    Your red mushroom is so happy it has goosebumps. :joy:
  14. nomad

    Zoos are confused

    Zoos aren't big eaters, so these may be palythoas (sp). Since they don't seem to like strong light, place them on the bottom a the tank, and since they like to eat, feed them. If the amount of light is still too much then put a strawberry basket or make a screen basket to put over them until...
  15. nomad

    Zoanthid Warning.

    You don't have to have cuts, chapped skin is also a problem, and little breaks in and around the cuticles could be a problem. One of the reasons we need to be aware of this toxin is that is we don't wear gloves and have a bad reaction, we can tell the doctors about the toxin and its effect. I...
  16. nomad

    Rock Work

    Pretty, pretty, pretty zoos and mushrooms and fishes. too! :jumping: :cheer:
  17. nomad

    Focus on: Zoanthids

    Very nice info about zoos. Love all the pics everyone. NM, I especially love the way you color coordinated your zoos and mushrooms in the 4th pic.
  18. nomad

    new sohal pics

    Striking fish :happyfish
  19. nomad


    Love all the little details in the close up shots. I think the corals look elegantly beautiful.
  20. nomad

    Something old....

    Gorgeous tank! Pretty zoos, can hardly wait to see what they look like when they really settle in. :joy: