Search results

  1. jagermeister

    My new live rock!

    You know.....when the guy told me that was the name of the clam I looked at him and was about to chuckle but he seemed pretty serious. His wife was standing right there so I let it go. So here's a new question. Is there such a thing as a 'bearded clam'? I'm talking about something that lives...
  2. jagermeister

    My new live rock!

    I recently just bought 50 pounds of live rock for $50 from a guy's tank. He just doesn't have time for it anymore and really wanted to get rid of it. It came from a very established reef tank and has variuos polyps and mushrooms on it. I'm afraid I may have introduced some stuff I may not...
  3. jagermeister

    Sea Monkeys!

    Did anyone ever buy a sea monkey kit as a little kid? I think all it is is brine shrimp eggs. Has anyone bought the eggs, hatched them, and fed them to their fish?
  4. jagermeister

    Where to go?

    My advice is to look into your local reef society if you have one. They will usually have a web site and more often or not a classifieds section in their web site. Or check the classifieds in your local paper. In my area people are always breaking down their tanks for one reason or another...
  5. jagermeister

    Peppermint Shrimps?

    I have three in my 55. They're great scavengers. The one drawback I've found is when I tried to add a bunch af small feather dusters, my peppermints ate them!
  6. jagermeister

    southdown...what to do about film

    I added Southdown and my tank was cloudy for a few days. But now it's crystal clear and I love it!! The sand is pure white and makes the tank look very nice. About your critters, they might be stressed a little but the sand in the water won't hurt them. Think about the tropical storms and...
  7. jagermeister

    What alkalinity for corals?

    My alkalinity test doesn't give specific values. It measures alkalinity on a scale from low to high. Where do I want my alkalinity for healthy corals?
  8. jagermeister

    Shrimps eat feather dusters!

    I went to a lfs last night and they were selling a handful of small white feather dusters for $5. They breed them right there in the store. So I bought a handful to take home to the aquarium because I think they're the coolest things. Well, after acclimating them I took them out of the bag...
  9. jagermeister

    Candy cane coral dieing

    My candy cane coral looks like it's dieing. The centers are still a little flourescent green but the edges are turning into what appears to be a hard, white substance. Ammonia and nitrites are 0, nitrates have gone from 20 to 5 in the last few days after I added a sump and refugium. It's a 55...
  10. jagermeister

    Head Pressure and Pump Location

    Thanks Broomer for explaining that. It makes sense now. Everything basically cancels each other out. You can see this when you apply the Bernoulli equation to the situation. All the terms cancel each other out except one. Friction. So I now understand what Paul was saying when he said...
  11. jagermeister

    Trying to identify weird hitch hiker

    Thanks Bang Guy!! You don't happen to know of a site with pictures of these things so I can compare, do you? Thanks again!
  12. jagermeister

    false percula colors

    I got two false perculas about a week ago. I was noticing tonight that one is absolutely a brilliant orange. The other isn't quite as brilliant. Is this just genetics, or is there a special diet I can feed them to bring their coloring out to its fullest?
  13. jagermeister

    Trying to identify weird hitch hiker

    It's not a bristleworm. I've seen a couple of those running around. It's a lot thinner than a bristle worm and moves a lot slower. It's not symmetric around its torso. There's no rhyme or reason to its jutting tentacles. It just seems like a flowing mess. I originally thought it was a...
  14. jagermeister

    Head Pressure and Pump Location

    Interesting problem. I'm not sure what you mean about 'not creating any head pressure'. But you can't put your pump at any level below the tank and get the same outflow results because of friction. There's friction between the water and the walls of the pipe. So where ever you have moving...
  15. jagermeister

    I've HAD IT with this overflow system, help

    I have an Amiracle overflow. I built my sump and started the siphon going. I then shut the system down (unplugged the return pump) because I was leaving for vacation and didn't want to take the chance of something happening. I returned a week later and found the siphon still primed. I simply...
  16. jagermeister

    Trying to identify weird hitch hiker

    O.K. I'll do my best to describe this thing. First of all it looks like some kind of worm. It is very thin and about an inch in length. It has all these.....tentacles? coming from all over its body. Extremely thin tentacles, about the diameter of a strand of hair. It moves very slowly...
  17. jagermeister

    Base rock?

    I think that's a great price!! Most decorator rock I've seen in Denver sells for about $5 per pound and there's nothing on it, just a little coraline algae at best.
  18. jagermeister

    I'm having prob with Email Notification

    Same here, worked up until this week.
  19. jagermeister

    connecting pipes

    I have an overflow box and need to connect 1" vinyl tubing to the bulkhead on the bottom. The bulkhead is not threaded. How do I attach the tubing making sure a tight seal is formed?
  20. jagermeister

    ordering online?

    I ordered from this site and was very happy. Great service and everything arrived alive. I built my cleanup crew for my 55 gal based on the reef packages on this site. I have: 10 scarlet reef hermits 30 Hawaiin zebra hermits 10 Astrea snails 20 Cerith snails (all which might have died. I...