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  1. jonah

    what fish?

    What size tank and what kind of tank will it be? Coral or fish only?
  2. jonah

    Questions For starting a 55 gallon tank

    You'll probably have to DIY the hood. If you make it high enough you could probably install light strips without the glass cover. Or you could just use some plexiglass as a splash guard. You'll probably want fans if you do that.
  3. jonah

    OT-New Year resolutions!

    It's the same everywhere. Coaches hate to lose players. My youngest boy's coach wants me to help coach next season, but I'm a bit too hot headed to deal with refs. I might scare the parents too. ;) Football is almost like a religion in Oklahoma. Some school districts start as early as 4th...
  4. jonah

    Future tank inhabitants...

    Most, not all, mandarins have a very specialize diet that requires lots of live rock to support the pods they eat. I don't believe a 30g hex is going to be big enough to support it. I have one in a 75g with 100lbs of live rock. I've never seen it eat any of the food I offer the tank, but it's...
  5. jonah

    OT-New Year resolutions!

    Originally posted by fishtanker Going to "Atlantis" Pardise Island, Bahamas. That should be a great time. i'll get a lot of pics. I saw that place on the Travel Channel. It looks awesome and they've got a monster aquarium.
  6. jonah

    OT-New Year resolutions!

    Originally posted by fishman88 well i do whiegh only 100lbs (im 14) but that is all fat i need some muscle. My 14 year old son is 5'8" and 185 lbs, but he plays right guard/right tackle for his school's football team. They're 13-2 over the last two years. He's no where near the biggest kid on...
  7. jonah

    OT-New Year resolutions!

    Originally posted by I like fish Yep, work on that english, you should have said. "you do know that Satan invented it".;) I thought that was part of the joke.:confused: I think "english" should be "English".:)
  8. jonah

    OT-New Year resolutions!

    Lose weight and stop cussing. I did the Atkins diet years ago. I lost alot of weight, my cholesterol stayed fine, but I was PO'd all the time. That might have happened with any diet though.
  9. jonah

    Questions For starting a 55 gallon tank

    1. I wouldn't worry about it. Just run floss for now. Or fill the bin with live rubble. 2. The only salt tank I have with a filter has an Aquaclear500 on it. I just like the big bin and the high flow (428gph). And they're cheap. 3. If you aren't concerned about the color, any playsand would...
  10. jonah

    bristle worms

    It seems to depend on who you're asking. Some are definitly bad ( I think they're called fireworms), some aren't that bad. I don't worry about them unless I catch one munching on my corals. It hasn't happened, but I keep an eye out.
  11. jonah

    Royal Gramma/Pwder Blue Tang Feedback

    My royal gramma has always been healthy. I carefully inspected it before bringing it home to make sure there was no sign at all of health problems. It was super shy when I kept it by itself, but once I added it to the main reef it came out of it's shell. Now it's the number two fish after my...
  12. jonah

    Need list of peaceful fish

    I actually prefer the false because of less black on them. They get a little larger than true if I remember correctly. I think true perculas reach about 3" and the false reach 3.5". I have a pair of false in a 10g. Regarding the peacefulness of royal grammas, I had one that hid constantly when...
  13. jonah

    Need a little help, yellow tang

    This might not mean anything, but my yellow tang used to do that to a green chromis I had. The chromis died and it hasn't done it to any other fish. I never saw it do anything that looked violent towards any of it's tankmates and the chromis didn't have any physical damage when it died.
  14. jonah

    vibrant colors

    Try feeding the tang macroalgae and nori (pressed seaweed). I feed them to mine plus New Life spectrum and I've never seen a yellow tang with better color. Or it might just be the lighting. I've got 440w of VHO on my 75g. A friend of mine that works in an lfs received a tang that was white. It...
  15. jonah

    Aquarium Size

    I've got 9 of them. 4 marine tanks (2x10g, 29g and 75g) and 5 freshwater (2x20g, 55g, and 2x 125g).
  16. jonah

    Question on jelly fish in Tank? FO...

    I'm curious where you got one. I'd love to try a jellyfish tank. I read an article years ago about the jellyfish craze in Japan. They used special tanks with low flow filters to keep them and they weren't kept with any other tankmates. I've never seen one in an lfs. I've seen thousands of them...
  17. jonah

    How many pounds of live rock should I add now?

    Originally posted by Bang Guy Just don't tell your friends you just spent $1000 on some rocks. My friends understood, it was my wife that had issues.;) 200-250lbs sounds right to me.
  18. jonah


    I've kept mushrooms and yellow polyps under 45w NO lighting in a 20g high tank. I'm sure you would be okay with most softies. Just stay away from the ones that put out tentacles at night. They could reach the entire tank. My colt has feelers at night that reach at least 12" from the arms.
  19. jonah

    mixing instant ocean 1st time

    Power head with hose attached.:D You could mix it in a new trash can too so you don't have to mix all those 5g batches.
  20. jonah

    Wal-Mart Tanks?

    For what it's worth, I've got an 8 year old 10g from WalMart that's currently set up as a nano. Never had a leak. I'm not a big fan of the stands either. My brother in law gave me his WalMart 29g and stand that's about 2 years old. The tank is in good shape, buy I'm probably going to replace the...