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  1. chadman

    reef supplements

    yeah thats what i hear....any recomendations for skimmers for a 55g?
  2. chadman

    reef supplements story with my 30g is similar to yours....everything grows liek crazy...under pc lights with no you run a skimmer? how much good stuff do you suppose skimmers are taking out of your water? i end up doing about 15%-20% water changes weekly though...
  3. chadman

    reef supplements

    i have had a 30g up and running skimmerless for about a year and a half...the tank is doing great! i have never done anything to the tank other than water changes on a weekly basis.... now i have set up a 55g which currently is skimmerless as well...we plan on adding one soon though....first of...
  4. chadman

    new lights mh or pc

    Originally Posted by teen 10k on MH, 50/50 on PC. isn't 15k preferred over 10k? or is the 10k sufficient due to teh pc lighting as well
  5. chadman

    large xenia rock

    it is purplish/pink pulsing xenia...very beautiful!! i don't have a digitial camera but i will have my g friend take some pics of it and i will post them asap...the rock is prolly about a foot and a half long or so and 8-12 inches in width...
  6. chadman

    large xenia rock

  7. chadman

    Cleaner Clams

    good luck even finding a cleaner clam in your tank to feed it...usually they will bury themselves in substrate and you will forget about them until your parameter start climbing due to a dead clam decaying
  8. chadman

    Heat Issues! please help!

    what is the temperature danger zone in salt water tanks? if the temp is in fact getting up to 84 degrees or that really a problem? or is it temperatures higher than that that really aggrevate stuff?
  9. chadman

    large xenia rock

    i have a piece of live rock holding 100+ stalks of xenia...i am taking apart part of my rock scape in order to make room for a new piece of live rock where i will start growing some sps corals...if anyone is interested in the mother of all xenia show pieces let me know....someone from the area...
  10. chadman

    dead purple anemone??

    we just wanted to keep our streak alive of not researching and buying the most difficult darn things!
  11. chadman

    dead purple anemone??

  12. chadman

    dead purple anemone??

    the update on the purple anemone is that it dead today...and what a mess that is.....I noticed that other carpet anemones have a white base, the purple had a blueish/green base, which makes me think it could possibly been dying when purchased....It that possible and what is the normal base color...
  13. chadman

    Purple Anemone pics and questions???

    wanted to also add: the anemone still has its stickiness, this is good right? if he were nearly dead wouldn't he have lost this?
  14. chadman

    Purple Anemone pics and questions???

    water conditions had been stable for three to four weeks before we added the anemone.... the anemone is either spitting out or shedding white clumps of stuff that resemble chewed up shrimp kind of....
  15. chadman

    Purple Anemone pics and questions???

    yeah the tank has been cycled for about a month now....
  16. chadman

    Purple Anemone pics and questions???

    for like four days....
  17. chadman

    Purple Anemone pics and questions???

  18. chadman

    Purple Anemone pics and questions???

    we havent really fed it anything, tried feeding it some shrimp and it didn't eat it....
  19. chadman

    Purple Anemone pics and questions???

    Originally Posted by sepulatian What are your water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, SG, and temp? all levels are at zero except recently nitrite has spiked to .25...PH is between 7.8-8...1.025 salt....temp is at most during day 82.... lights are metal halides 150w 15k
  20. chadman

    Purple Anemone pics and questions???

    My purple anemone has been acting weird the last few started out by moving to the back corner of the tank and now it's mouth is really open...any ideas as to what is goin on with it???? It's only been in the tank for four days.. first pic last night... second pic an hour ago(it's...