Search results

  1. lemonshark

    ID Help - I don't have a Photo

    I need something to be ID for me too. On my subtract (sand) I have these long brown worm-like strings coming out of the subtract. They wave along with the current and there are about 20 strings of these brown worms in a single spot. They don’t move around, they just stay there waving. They are...
  2. lemonshark

    Black Durgon Trigger

    Thank you for your reply.
  3. lemonshark

    Black Durgon Trigger

    Does anyone know anything about this fish? Agressive? Reef safe ? It's just that I can find this (here in Puerto Rico) fish for less then half the price found in the internet. Thank you!
  4. lemonshark

    Rainbow Lifegard

    Hey enomadra, I guess there really isn’t a good enough filtration system to be consider the best.
  5. lemonshark

    Ick... Suggestions?

    I only did it as a last option and it work. It's up to you if you want to do it. My blue hippo was covered with ick... next day after I did that... he didn't have one ick on it. I know it gives the fish stress... but it would had died if I didn't treated it. I understand how you guys feel about...
  6. lemonshark

    Rainbow Lifegard

    I don’t want to get confused here. You say that they don’t do a good job of its price but you would use them in large aquarium or reef? What other system can I compare this one with… to decide on which to get… if I decide to. I have a 125gls long… I don’t have a filtration system; I do have...
  7. lemonshark

    Rainbow Lifegard

    Over priced? Mechanical Filter $59.50 Chemical Filter $41.00 FB300 Fluidized Bed Filter $66.25 I don't need the heater. Do you think is to over priced ? should I add a skimmer to the setup ? How small is to small ? I don't know how tall it is
  8. lemonshark

    Ick... Suggestions?

    Both of the things I did helped the fish. Lowering your salt level makes it hard for ick to survive and to attach to fish skin. It’s safer than the dip (soconds of fresh water dip) treatment. Removing the ick manually is a safe method and it helps, especially if you don’t have a cleaner shrimp...
  9. lemonshark

    Ick... Suggestions?

    My Hippo tang got ick one time... he was swimming like if it was going to die. I got him out of the tank and placed him in a bucket half filled with water from the tank. I poured RO water to lower the salinity... I would pick him up and scratch the ick off of it with a plastic knife. I then...
  10. lemonshark

    Rainbow Lifegard

    RAINBOW LIFEGARD MODULAR FILTRATION I did a search on this topic and found no information on the modular filtration system, I did found information regarding the Fluidized Bed Filter. I'm wondering if anyone is currently using a Rainbow Lifegard Filter. Is it any good ? Thanks!
  11. lemonshark

    clown fish

    The bands are not what makes the perc true or false. The bands that do not go all the way around is due to the fish not eating during the first day of its birth. Some university tested this theory. Can't remember which.
  12. lemonshark

    aquaroium question

    Try long tanks... the longer it is, the better for the fish and for the floor. The weight will distribute through the floor and for your fish, there is better gas exchange and more room to swim. I recomend a tank of 125gls long or less in size.
  13. lemonshark

    Chromis are the Devil

    I have two Perc and two green Chromis… all four school together. I have no problem with them. Canon 10D $1399
  14. lemonshark

    Tank Raise Perc

    very nice!
  15. lemonshark

    Tank Raise Perc

    Have you ever had a Clown Perc (tank raise) that don’t even know what an anemone is? How long until there instincts takes over and swim to one and make it its home? Thanks !! :happyfish
  16. lemonshark

    how much salt?

    You’ll need a hydrometer to measure the salt gravity. You will add enough for your hydrometer to test at 1.021 to 1.025.
  17. lemonshark

    Quick question

    I keep it at 1.021 it helps keep ich away.
  18. lemonshark

    Water > yellowish-brown coloration

    Thanks Buzz My yellow tang looks strong but it won't eat. If I need additional help, I will open a new topic and I will make additional water changes this Saturday and Sunday. Thanks again to all !! BTW... When I came home from work... the light went out again... I don't know for how long it was...
  19. lemonshark

    Water > yellowish-brown coloration

    I found the source of the ammonia. Blue Tang, dead, inside rock holes where cleaners could not reach to feast on it. I tested the water, ammonia at 0.50 (might go down now after removing the dead fish), Nitrite at 0, Nitrate at 80ppm (down from 160 after water change on Monday) and pH at 8.4...
  20. lemonshark

    Water > yellowish-brown coloration

    I will do all tests today when I get home from work. but, for now, I need to get rid of the hang-on filter that I currently have. what do you guys think if I get these two filter systems: Nu-Clear Canister Filters Kent Marine Nautilus Skimmer I would use the Nu-Clear to filter water... then dump...