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  1. tomclx


    A skimmer is sonething that sits in your sump, wet /dry or hangs on the back of your tank. It skims all of the un-necessary wastes from your water by using air. Water is sucked in to the skimmer pump , and combined with airbubbles, all the bad elements in the water stick to the bubbles and are...
  2. tomclx

    37 gallon tank help

    Thanks for the reply. The yellow tang seems very happy. He hasnt seemed stressed at all . He was given to me by a person that had to go overseas. He eats fisn, and seesmvery content.
  3. tomclx

    tank help

    37 gallon tank: I have 2 clowns a yellow tank, 3 cleaner shrimp, a royal gramma, a mandarin fish, and 4 hermits and 2 emerald crabs. 40 punds of live rock. Is this to much for this tank?
  4. tomclx

    37 gallon tank help

    I have a 37 gallon tank. It has been running for about a year. It has 2 Oscullos clowns, 1 yellow tang, a peppermint shrimp, and 2 cleaner shrimp. as well as a mandarin fish and a royal gramma. 52 pounds of live rock and live sand. and 3 hermits. Is this to much for my bio load. I havent had...
  5. tomclx

    yellow tang

    I have a 40 gallon ,and I have had a yellow tang for about 7 months, and it is doing great. I have 2 clarki clowns, a yellow tang, a mndaring fish, and 2 skunk cleaners. Tank has been doing great. I have had the tank up and running for a bout a year. Yellow tangs need room to swim, however will...