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  1. tomclx

    Water circulation

    Hey hows it going? I have a 100 gallon FOWLR. I currently am running a coral life skimmer ( model not known). It came with the tank. I have a 30 gallon refugium on the bottom with cheato. I have 2 power heads in the display tak which create lots of ripples. I was just wondering if water...
  2. tomclx

    Copper Question

    I think the 3/3 means "three for three". tHey have added three fish, and all three have died...I think.
  3. tomclx

    Water circulation

    Hello, I have a dumb question, but i will ask anyways.... Will proper water circualtion (Ripples at top of water) keep algae growth to a minimal. I do not want to use a UV steralizer.
  4. tomclx

    PurpleUp Coralline Algae Accelerator

    Hello, IMO it is a GREAT product. I was one of those tank owners who could never get coral line to grow. My tank has been running for 1 full year, and I would get little coral line spots here and there, but nothing major. I used purple up about 3 months ago, and now my tank is covered. All...
  5. tomclx

    Agressive blue Hippo

    Has any one ever heard of a blue hippo becoming aggressive? I thought that these fish were supposed to be very peaceful. My Hippo is starting to attack all of his tank mates. does any one know what could be wrong. I have a 100 gallon FOWLR.
  6. tomclx

    Blue Tang

    Weel, the Blue HIPPO is a juvenile. It is only 2-3 inches long. Besides the HIPPO, i have two ocilleris clowns a Mimid tang, a Singapore angel, and a diamond goby. That is hardly any livestock for a 100 gallon tank. I also have a cleaner shrimp and 20 snails.
  7. tomclx

    Blue Tang

    it is a 100 gallon FOWLR it has been established for well over a year. I tested my Nitrates and nitrites are at 0. I am having a bit of a red algae porblem. Also we had a very sevree thunder storm last week , and it knocked my power out for 8 hours. I do not have any back up pumps or...
  8. tomclx

    Blue Tang

    HELP ME PLEASE!!! I noticed this morning that my Mimimc Tang, and singapore angel had bites taken out of their tails. When I got home from work today, i noticed my Blue Hippo Tang nipping at my angel and Mimic Tang. Now my mimimc tang is laying on its side breathing heavy. Any ideas what...
  9. tomclx

    Two Skimmers

    Hello, I have a 90 gallon FOWLR. I have 2 skimmers ( from my old tanks) that were designed for a 55 gallon set up. I was wondering if i could just run two skimmers until i can buy a new skimmer? Thanks
  10. tomclx

    Mimic Tang

    Hello, What is the difference between a tang and a mimic tang?
  11. tomclx

    Please help me identify this fish

    That is a Snapper, here in FLA they are known as "grunts" to local fisher men for the grunting sounf they make when they are caught. They do not grow that big. To answer one of the questions on this post..NO it is not illegal. I have never seen one in a tank before, but they are peacful fish.
  12. tomclx

    Skimmer Recomendations

    Hello, My Skimmer just died, and i was wondering if anyone could suggest a good skimmer for a 100 gallon FOWLR with a 25 gallon refugium. I was using a sea life skimmer, however, i was not happy with it. Any recomendations would be great. Thanks
  13. tomclx

    Blue Hippo scratching on rocks

    No white spots. He was quarantined when i got him a year ago.
  14. tomclx

    Blue Hippo scratching on rocks

    Hello, Maybe someone can help. I have a blue HIPAA tang that scratches against my rocks every now and then. He does it once or twice a week, however he will do it several times. is this common? My tank has been running for two years. Thanks
  15. tomclx

    hey i am in Miami and want to know where to get fish

    Hello, I also live in MIami, and I have been going to the same place for years. However, I am not sure if I can discuss this on the message board, so if you would like to email me, i will give you the name of several great locations. My email is: Hope this helps
  16. tomclx


    Hello, I just had a bout with ich, and I left all of my fish in the tank, and raised my tempature to 80 degrees, and with in two weeks all of the ich was gone. I beagn by raising the temapture 1 degree a day until I got to 80 degrees. I let it stay at 80 degrees for about two weeks, and then I...
  17. tomclx

    Refugium Question

    HI All, I have a quick question. I recently set up my 20 gallon refugium for my 90 gallon tank. The tank has been up and running for about 2 months and everything good. However, i have noticed that brown algae has completely covered my substarte in my fuge. Im my fuge i have some live rock, and...
  18. tomclx

    Refugium Question..Please help.

  19. tomclx

    Refugium Question..Please help.

    HI All, I have a quick question. I recently set up my 20 gallon refugium for my 90 gallon tank. The tank has been up and running for about 2 months and everything good. However, i have noticed that brown algae has completely covered my substarte in my fuge. Im my fuge i have some live rock...
  20. tomclx

    HUMU HUMU Question

    Hi Everyone, I am relaitively new to this hobby. I have only had my tanks for about 2 years. I am currently setting up a 90 gallon FOWLR. Will it be ok to have a HUMU HUMU with some peaceful fish such as clowns, and a Tang? Thanks