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  1. tomclx

    Refugium lighting

    Is 18 watts ( 6700K) enough lighting to grow calurpa in my refugium? my Reugium is 20 gallons. The guy at the LFS sold me a coral life aqua ligh that was 18 watts abd 6700 K compact flourescent lamps. Is this enough lighting?
  2. tomclx

    Refugium Lighting Question

    I am going to put feather calurpa in there. Should that lighting be adequate?
  3. tomclx

    Refugium Lighting Question

    Hello and Happy New Year!! I just set up a 20 gallon Refugium, and I was wondering what kind of lighting should i uses. The guy at the LFS tole me to use all white lighting at about 18 to 20 watts. Is this OK? Thanks
  4. tomclx

    foggy water

    I am running a wet dry system with skimmer
  5. tomclx

    HELP Base Rock question

    HI and Happy new year! I am setting up a 90 gallon reef tank. I purchased some base rock from LFS, and the person at the store told me that the rock i purchased was great for base rock. The rock looks great, however, it looks sort of like a bleached out lime stone or something. Would this...
  6. tomclx

    foggy water

    Hi all, and happy new year! I just purchased a 90 gallon tank. I plan on making it a reef tank. I just added my live rock, and now the tank seems to be cloudy. it has been cloudy for about a day and a half now. is this normal?
  7. tomclx


    tank & 2 clowns. temp dropped to 66 degrees last night, and my heater is broken is temp to low for fish?
  8. tomclx


    what should the tempature be in a salt water tank? thanks
  9. tomclx

    Yellow Tang

    HELP !!! I bought a yellow tang 3 days ago form LFS, and It will not come out form behind my rocks. It also has not eaten. I noticed it picked at my live rock a little bit, but it refuses to come out and swim around. It has been three days. What can this be? any suggestions would be great.
  10. tomclx

    New Tang won't eat

    Hi, we bought a new yellow tang yesterday and she won't eat or come out of the rocks. THe water parameters are perfect. We had another yellow tang which died a few months back after Hurricane came through and we lost power, but the tank has been up a running perfect since... She seems real timid...
  11. tomclx

    White spots on glass

    Yes, they are mostly on back glass, but I have noticed them all over rocks but not on fish... They are spirals up close
  12. tomclx

    White spots on glass

    Yes, they are mostly on back glass, but I have noticed them all over rocks but not on fish... They are spirals up close
  13. tomclx

    White spots on glass

    HELP !!! Over the past 2 months, I have noticed small white spots appearing all over my tank glass. I actually have to scrape it off the glass with a scraper. They are hard and are hard to remove. They atarted appearing after our recent hurricane came through town. I did a 20 gallon water...
  14. tomclx

    Mandarin Question

    Someone gave me a mandarin becasue they were moving. I put him in my tank about a week ago , and he seems fine. However, I do not hink that I have enough live rock to support him in the long run. My question: is there anything i can buy that he will eat?
  15. tomclx

    REd Algae

    How do I get rid of red slime algae? It is only in one small location on my sand. I am afriad it will get out of control. PLEASE HELP!! I did a 10 gallon H20 change. I have a 37 gallon tall. All water perameters are fine. Should I get a sand sifting Goby? Thanks
  16. tomclx

    new lights up and runnin! pics

    what Kind of Coral do you cureently have?
  17. tomclx

    DEvils Hand & medium Light

    I need some advice. I bought a devuils hand coral on Monday. I put him sort of high in my tank. When the lights are on , he seems to get droopy, when lights go out, he shrinks and looks tight. IS this normal. I have a 37 gallon tall. with 2 X 98 watts power compact. (108 watts total). Tested...
  18. tomclx

    Wet Dry vs Sump

    Can Anyone help, I currently have a wet dry for my 40 gallon reef tank, However I have been told that a sump would be the best thing. If a sump is the way to go, how do I make a sump. My wet dry has been doing great for about 5 months. However If a sump is the way to go, that is what I will...
  19. tomclx

    Turbo Snails & Coral

    Thanks, I was just a little wooried, because it seems my Polyps are thriving.
  20. tomclx

    Turbo Snails & Coral

    I have a concern that I need help with. I have Some yellow polyp corals, but I noticed that my Turbo snails ( 2 of them) are crawling all over the polyps. Will this hurt the actual polyps? I have had the polyps for 3 months and the snails for 5 months. I have never noticed them all over my...