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  1. tomclx

    Quarantine tank

    Hello, I have recently lost some fish to Brooklynella, so I am now going to set up a quaratntine tank. My question is: How do i set up a QT tank. What do I need? and where do i set it up at? Thanks
  2. tomclx


    Hello, I posted this question in the disease forum, but i have recieved no replies. I had a bout with Brooklynella about a month ago. It got brought into my tank with my new clown fish. I did not QT them, and I regret it. The Brooklynell killed both clowns, and my coral beauty Angel fish. The...
  3. tomclx

    Brooklynella Question

    Hello, I had a bout with Brooklynella about a month ago. It got brought into my tank with my new clown fish. I did not QT them, and I regret it. The Brooklynell killed both clowns, and my coral beauty Angel fish. The only fish that I have left in the tank is my Blue HIPPO and he is doing...
  4. tomclx

    Brooklynella PLEASE HELP!!!

    HI BEth, Thanks for your responses. I appreciate it!!!!
  5. tomclx

    Fish Food Advice

    THANKS...and GO HEAT
  6. tomclx

    Fish Food Advice

    What is the best fish food to feed clowns and tangs? I currently use Spectra therea A+, and algae sheets. Is this ok? I have heard negative things about Spectra A + Thanks
  7. tomclx

    Brooklynella PLEASE HELP!!!

    HI Beth, Yes the fish were peeling like in the photos. One fish died 3 to 4 days after i noticed symptoms. They all had labored breathing. I now have two fish left , and they seem to be fine. They have great color, very active, and eating great. Should I let the tank sit for 6 weeks and QT...
  8. tomclx

    Brooklynella PLEASE HELP!!!

    HI Beth, I did read that forum, and I was able to bring a dead fish into mt LFS, and was told it looked like Brookynella. All of the fish seemed to have signs of Brooknella, based on your photos. all fish looked like they had sunburn. IS this something that will stay in my display tank...
  9. tomclx

    Brooklynella PLEASE HELP!!!

    Hello, Broolynella wiped out my whole 100 gallon FOWLR tank except for my blue HIPPO tang and a small percula clown. My questions are: Will Brooklynella stay active in my display tank? How long do i have to let my diplay tank sit withoiut adding any other fish? Will the Brooklynella die...
  10. tomclx


    Thanks. Fish dont really hide much. They seem to explore. I added an extra power head to get rid of Cyano algae. It worked, however, i have a ton of riples at the top of water
  11. tomclx


    I was wondering if you caould add a niger trigger , or a huma huma trigger with 2 maroone clowns and a blue Hippo tang. thanks
  12. tomclx


    HOw do I know if i have too much flow? I have plenty of rock work, but i am not sure if i have too much flow.
  13. tomclx

    Maroone Clowns

    What kind of anemone do MAroone Clowns prefer?
  14. tomclx


    Is there such thing as too much flow? Can Too much flow kill off your fish?
  15. tomclx

    Trigger question

    100 gallon, HIPPO tang, HUMA HUMA or NIGER
  16. tomclx

    Trigger question

    Can you put a Trigger fish in the same tank with a blue tang?
  17. tomclx

    Red Slime Remover

    I used Red Slime remover, and my system crashed hard. All of my fish died except my HIPPO tang and one clown fish. I will never use it again.
  18. tomclx


    Hello, Maybe someone can help me. I was having a real bad bout with red slime algae for about 3 months. I tried water changes, a phosphate pad, and i increased flow by adding another power head. So as a lat resort i put some red slime remover in my tank. I have NO MORE red slime algae, however...
  19. tomclx

    Fish Dying Fast

    Hello, Maybe someone can help me. I was having a real bad bout with red slime algae for about 3 months. I tried water changes, a phosphate pad, amd i increased flow by adding another power head. So as a lat resort i put some red slime remover in my tank. I have NO MORE red slime algae...
  20. tomclx

    Quality Priced Skimmers

    Hello, What is a good quality Skimmer for a good price? I keep seeing ASM mentioned, however none of the LFS offer ASM's. They only sell, Coral life and sea clones. I have had bad experiences with Coral life products. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks