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  1. ncabw

    light repairs

    I have a Aquamedic light fixture. Its a pendant light with 3 250W metal halides and 4 powere compats. The problem i'm having is my metal halides work but my power compacts dont(i have all new bulbs in). nothing happend that i know of to have this problem. my question is how do you get your...
  2. ncabw


    i have a 125 gallon tank with a 70-80 gallon sump underneath. the sump is right under the stand which is metal(A Hagen) i've noticed rust pretty much on all the posts. should i be worried about the strength of the metal now(i've been told not to). I know rust is bad for the water what would be...
  3. ncabw

    light repairs

    I have a Aquamedic light fixture. Its a pendant light with 3 250W metal halides and 4 powere compats. The problem i'm having is my metal halides work but my power compacts dont(i have all new bulbs in). nothing happend that i know of to have this problem. my question is how do you get your...
  4. ncabw

    Help home reno ?'s

    yes not going to move the tank just sand around it. thanks will try that.
  5. ncabw

    Help home reno ?'s

    I'm redoing my hardwood flooring. sanding and staining. should take about 3 days. Theproblem is my tank is to big to move what would be the best ways to keep sand dust/ chemicals out. Think i should just put a board overtop while the workers are working?
  6. ncabw

    Coralline Growth

    I have a lot of coraline growing in my tank now. Does it matter if i don't scrape it off the side glass and only scrape it off the front. Plus its all over my heater should i be concerned? Also when u scrape it off where does it go?
  7. ncabw

    Are all worms bad

    cool i was starting to get worried. There's so many things that keep popping up and growing in my reef tank. Its pretty amazing stuff. I never get bored.
  8. ncabw

    Are all worms bad

    Just wanted to know if all worms are bad. I just noticed a 1inch worm looking thing. I have 2 sea serpents and this worm lookks like a piece of him broken off and is still alive. Its light red with alot of small tentacles all around it. I dont have a picture of it. Anyone know what it is.
  9. ncabw

    bio-balls/live rock?

    Here's a question that has been bothering me ever since i started my tank 7 months ago. First of i started not knowing anything. I have 120gallon tank with a sump. For my sump where the water falls thru the filter it would then go thru my bio balls or live rock balls(not sure if thats what its...
  10. ncabw


    Some questions about Ick. If one fish gets Ich do you have to take out all the fish and do hypo on all them or just the one that has ick. And if a fish gets ich how long can u leave him in the dp tank while you set up a quarantine tank if you don't have one set up yet? Last ? how long will Ich...
  11. ncabw

    Help catching Damsel

    Thanks i will try some of these methods tonight. I used the Damsel's to cycle my tank. I am new to the saltwater world and was told that was how you did it. I didn't know i would be growing up these serial killers. I should have loved them more. lol.
  12. ncabw

    Help catching Damsel

    Ive had my reef tank set up now for 6 months. It's a 125 gallon plus sump setup. The problem i'm having is i think one of my original damsels is attacking the new fish i have put into the tank. I have lost 4 fish in the last 2 months. The original 4 fish i bought earlier are having no problems...