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  1. vivioo7

    Some pics from my tanks...

    your candy canes look healthy what do you feed them?
  2. vivioo7

    A few salinity questions

    The reason I asked is because when I calibrated my refractometer I was wondering if I didn't do it at the right temperature and how much that would affect the readings. I had some distilled water at room temp (about 77) and used that as 1.000, my tank is at about 77 degrees too so does this mean...
  3. vivioo7

    whats with my toadstool mushroom

    if by morning you mean when the lights are off thats normal, my toadstool closes completly when it has no light
  4. vivioo7

    A few salinity questions

    No if ppt stays the same but temperature varies then the SG will change with the temperature
  5. vivioo7

    A few salinity questions

    I just got a refractometer today and have been doing some reading so now I have 2 questions. The first is: if specific gravity varies based on temperature but ppt doesn't do fish need a constant SG or ppt? That might be kind of confusing, for example do fish (and other reef animals) need a...
  6. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    about six months
  7. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    actually i do have inverts; coral, anemone, shrimp, hermits and ive never lost any. my sg might actually be higher i brought my hydrometer to someone with a refractometer and had them correct the numbers so i think its accurate but maybe not
  8. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    ive read about that but never knew which fish came from those areas, hopefully there really isnt anything wrong with my water
  9. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    yep, i really cant see any difference between those and what i had
  10. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    mine looked a little different they were more round and had longer fins but looked the same health wise
  11. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    im not very familiar with how they are supposed to look they all three looked the same to me not malnurished, no ich, no signs of stress. my sister said the second one was picking at rocks and thirty minutes later it was layin down. the third one has been hangin out, swimmin around a little...
  12. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    im not sure if they are wild or not but that cant be the only problem right?
  13. vivioo7

    tonga branch causing film?

    distilled water has a chance of containg copper so if your planning on having invertebrates i wouldnt use it anymore
  14. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    The lfs did have them in the same tank together i know that. i tested all that i had tests for. ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates <10 ph 8.3 sg 1.022 ive had a little bit of hair algae and cyano could that have anything to do with it? also my temp was between 80.5 and 82 but i opened the hood and...
  15. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    i just saw number two layin down gasping and he was healthy so there must be something wrong with my water but i cant think of what it would be
  16. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Unless your water conditions are far from the LFS's, an hour and a half is fine. Bangaii are one of the breeds of cardinal that do not do well in groups except in larger systems. They are usually peaceful at first though. Did you see torn fins or anything like...
  17. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    yea i kind of thought that was an excuse but i didnt know for sure. they are bangaii cardihals. i cant figure out why it died its bothering me. i didnt actually buy them my dad did so it might not have been healthy but i think it should still have lived, the lfs is usually pretty good. i drip...
  18. vivioo7

    one out of three new fish die?

    thats what my lfs told me is there any truth to that? i brought home three cardinals last night and one of them is dead this morning. the only thing i can think of would be stress of acclimating or that the other two cardinals maybe picked on him but i think thats a little extreme. what do you...
  19. vivioo7

    Zoa vs superglue guestion

    While I was glueing a zoa to a rock today I accidentally got glue on the underside of the skirt. Will the zoa make it is there anything I can do? This is my only polyp of this species so I really dont want to lose it.
  20. vivioo7

    My 29 gallon mixed reef

    do you keep your power heads pointed up like that? i read somewhere that they should be pointed down and towards the middle of the front glass, any truth to that?