Search results

  1. blueface

    Blue spotted shrimp goby?

    I've found mine to eat anything that floats past his lair. He's not picky at all. He even eats flakes & pellets. The only complaint I have is he likes to use my hermits to add to his lair. He doesn't even care if the shells are empty. He just piles them up. I've lost at least 1/2 a dozen hermits...
  2. blueface

    Blue spotted shrimp goby?

    Definitely a blue spot jaw. I have one just like it! I only paid $49.00 for mine from a LFS. He is a very cool fish I think mine watches me more than I watch him.
  3. blueface

    Monday Night No Football Pics

    I've already got the southdown & the PC's! I just need the LR. Did you start w/ dead sand & LR only or did you add some LS to seed your bed? How long has it been set up? How deep is the sand? Still wondering about those smallies!!!
  4. blueface

    Info on Yellowlined basslet (gramma linki)?

    Is it safe to mix two different kinds of basselets? I've never tried it do a search on them. Maybe somebody has.
  5. blueface

    Correct ID please

    I've saw one @ my LFS. They labeled it a blue sided fairy wrasse. Don't know if that is correct but thats what they called it.
  6. blueface

    Monday Night No Football Pics

    Awesome looking tank. Is that your 55 gallon? If it is how many Lbs. of LR do you have in it? I need to set up my 55 but cash is really scarce now. Tempted to go light on the LR w/ mostly base rock & a DSB. Wishing I was fishing for smallies right now!!! I bet you would like to be doing the...
  7. blueface

    Another ID ?

    Do search on Aiptasia it will tell you how to remove them.
  8. blueface

    LFS 600gal Display Reef

    Do any of you buy from that LFS?
  9. blueface

    bottom feeder food

    Tetra tips. You can always soak spectrum pellets in a cup of tank water for awhile. They should then sink to the bottom.
  10. blueface

    Fish Story

    When I first started in this obsession (hobby) 15+ years ago I had a small Huma Huma. He lived for 4 years & my 2 year old daughter had become very fond of him. She named him Woody from Toy Story. I came home from work one nite when my wife said that my daughter couldn't find Woody anywhere!! I...
  11. blueface

    fish commited suicide

    The one that is circled is definitely a tilefish.
  12. blueface

    whats a good jawfish?

    I only paid $49 for my blue spot jaw @ the LFS. I couldn't pass up the deal. He's become my favorite fish by far.
  13. blueface

    fish commited suicide

    I think its a tilefish.
  14. blueface

    Merry Christmas! What did ya get for your tank?

    Hey Daniel411 where did you get such a great deal??
  15. blueface

    Can I Start A Nano From Takeing Stuff From My Large Tank

    Hey chevytrks I have that exact tank & love it. I'll be posting pics in a few days!:happy:
  16. blueface

    Early Christmas Present!!

    My tanks been covered from day 1. I'm going to restart the whole tank when I go to move him. I've got a pistol shrimp in there that I really want to get out. Trying to figure out the new digi cam that came today. Hopefully pics of the whole tank including spot will be coming soon.
  17. blueface

    Early Christmas

    I've never been to Tropicorium. Friends have told me not to go unless I plan on spending lots of cash! Heard their corals & clams are awesome.
  18. blueface

    Early Christmas Present!!

    Thank's guys. My new digital cam just arrived UPS. I'll try some pics of "Spot" and the tank later tonight.
  19. blueface

    Early Christmas

    Did she get him at the fish doctor's? I was in that place for the first time last week. Do you or have you ever bought livestock from them? I agree w/ 007 AWESOME!!!
  20. blueface

    Auriga Butterfly Not Eating

    I hate to say it but I think he's doomed. Butterflies are so thin that they can hardly afford to go on an extended fast w/o a death in their future. LOL