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  1. tru conch

    ok.ill try again.

    nice tank. im impressed by the field of yellow polyps!
  2. tru conch

    howmuch money do you have in your systems?

    the cost is way too much for me to even think about!
  3. tru conch

    Sea Veggies = Sushi Nori

    hmmm this is news to me. ive never heard that the "nori" or sushi seaweed didnt have any nutrional value cos its roasted. i always heard about leatuce not being worth any nutrional value. any know if this is true about the nori?
  4. tru conch


    look at some of the other posts about schooling fish. but real quick though, ive read that the min is 6 (or 7 depending on the book/article). hth.
  5. tru conch

    schooling fish

    anthias are another option, but are larger and can be more difficult to feed. one reminder about chromis, they need a minimum of at least 6 (or 7 depending on what literature you are reading) to school and to be peaceful towards each other. if you have less they tend to kill each other off. i...
  6. tru conch

    What do u feed your chromis?

    mine eat anything. but one of the better foods for them is the cyclopeeze. i feed mine the powdered form at least two small pinches a day. remember that chromis are plankivores, and in the wild they are constantly eating plankton. (hence why cyclopeeze is a good product for them.) hth and good...
  7. tru conch

    Guess The Critter

    nice lobster. in a few months it will be big enough for dinner. yum yum.
  8. tru conch

    new pics...

    NM-awesome pics as always. i use a power shot A70 by canon. its only pushing 3.2 megapixels, but im going to start looking into the SLRs (digitals) in the next year or so, hoping that the prices will drop.
  9. tru conch

    Your Opinions On A Skimmer

    i am awed by the powers of the euro reef. awesome, awesome skimmer.
  10. tru conch

    Just a New Picture if my Tall 45Gal.

    different looking aquascaping, i can dig it.
  11. tru conch

    my first trt at pics

    nice pics, thanks for sharing!
  12. tru conch

    happy days are here again

    golfish sorry about your bad luck. if i wasnt irish i would just have pure bad luck as well, but atleast i get short spurts of good luck from time to time. good luck with the new reactor.
  13. tru conch

    Powder Brown Tang Experiences?

    my powder brown is nonaggressive towards his tankmates, but they are in a large tank 180. he is a pig, eats anything i put in the tank, but the only draw back is that he is an ick magnet. if i look cross eyed at them the ick pops up i swear.
  14. tru conch


    the powder brown/blue might fight with each other b/c they are very similar to each other. and as you already know are hard to take care of, right along with hippos. there are plenty of other options as far as tangs go. look at maybe a kole or cheveron tang. both stay small and are hardy. a...
  15. tru conch


    sounds like you are providing an excellent diet for your fish. i only put one sheet of nori (green seaweed) in my tank a day, and my fish get feed formula one/two with cyclopeeze and garlic drops.
  16. tru conch


    you might have better luck looking in the aggressive forum. if i was to have a small stingray i would put it into the 135, making sure you have a sandbed. stingrays eat alot of crabs, shrimp, and mollusks. i would not feed any saltwater fish goldfish. hth.
  17. tru conch

    Hungry Mouths

    bang as always i enjoy your pics/posts about breeding. once day i hope to reach your skill level.
  18. tru conch

    what to feed a pink tip condy?

    just in my experience my condy seems to feed more off my lights than meaty food. i do spot feed about 2-3 a week larger pieces of forumla one.
  19. tru conch

    Clown in a 10??

    you can, but they would be the only fish. look at percs or false percs, most other clowns get way too large for a 10.
  20. tru conch

    How does it look?

    you are off to a good start it looks like.