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  1. tru conch

    My DIY plywood tank journal

    looking good so far. i cant wait to see how it turns out just wondering, would it be possible to plump your tank through the back wall of the tank with bulkhead fittings? the overflow box can be a pain in the neck, esp if you loose the siphon.
  2. tru conch

    Electric Flame Scallop

    i want to say rotifers is the preferred food, but i could be wrong. DT's would be another good choice.
  3. tru conch

    new camera

    that is kick a** pic. seriously. i need more pics.
  4. tru conch

    Help me stock my new Christmas gift!!

    instead of a yellow tang, look at a kole tang. they tend to stay the smallest out of the tangs. a yellow in a 55 can turn very aggressive towards new fish or even established fish. look also at hawfish. if you want active fish, get a school of green chromis. very active, inexpensive, colorful...
  5. tru conch

    Pucker up big fella.

    46 dollars for a mandarin? wow thats insane. d12 he/she ( couldnt tell the --- from the pic) doesnt look too skinny, so you must have a ton of pods for food in your tank. good luck with bringing it back.
  6. tru conch

    he's gone

    sorry to hear about that.
  7. tru conch

    any Ideas for 55 gal. f/o

    could do some of the smaller predators, eps if you want an eel. maybe a toby puffer, frogfish, and one of the smaller triggers...
  8. tru conch

    55 gla occupant question

    sounds good to me. it was always my understanding that chromis like larger numbers to school (6 or more). otherwise they kill each other off to have a dominant male, which will be the last fish alive this is what my green chromis did when i only had 4, then the numbers dwindled down to 1. i have...
  9. tru conch

    My lionfish's favorite spot.

    nice lion, looks like a black volitan, which imo are more stunning than the reds at full size.
  10. tru conch

    Cycle With A grouper

    well that is one method, but there are other ways to cycle w/o a grouper, esp in a smaller tank. 1) use a dead cocktail shrimp 2) put fish food in as if you are feeding your imaginary fish 3) use a product called "special blend" which is bacteria in a bottle 4) use uncured lr 5) use live fish...
  11. tru conch

    wet/dry filter

    most folks dont like them, especially in reef tanks. i use rumble rock (small bits of lr) instead. this seems to work the best for me.
  12. tru conch

    60 Gallon Question

    a niger can be kinda iffy, as with most triggers. but for the most part they tend to go alright with clowns. the yellow tailed damsels also can be aggressive, they are a damsel fish. here are some other choices that will go well with a clown: green chromis (at least 6 though, and the school...
  13. tru conch

    Electric Flame Scallop

    the are also filter feeders, need supplements added to the water to stay alive.
  14. tru conch

    Feather Duster & Decorator Crab

    looks like a heathly feather duster. do you have any full tank shots?
  15. tru conch

    flame angels!

    love the flames! beth and nm, nice pics.
  16. tru conch

    couple of new pics.

    nice looking engineer goby.
  17. tru conch

    Eel Action

    nice eel. evilss arent snake eels somewhat difficult to take care off? or are just the banded snake eels the hard ones? i cant remember.
  18. tru conch

    Photo editing...

    2nd pic gets my vote!
  19. tru conch

    Chevron Tangs!

    awesome looking cheveron tang! dont they loose their color as they get older though?
  20. tru conch

    20" Sohal

    that is a sweet sohal! simply chicago massive!