Search results

  1. tlk

    Green Mushroom

    These are the SAME lights I have been using for a while. I am hoping it is just the cycling. When the lights are off, it looks much greener in color. I have three, and they are all attached well to their rocks, their color is off and they don't seem to be quite as big. I am fairly certain...
  2. tlk

    Ideas for something tacky for a reef.

    what about those wind-up fish used for swimming pools?
  3. tlk

    Green Mushroom

    I have 110watt lights (i don't recall the make), and an emperor 400 filter(hang on the back). Along with 80lbs of LR. Tank is still relatively new. (Less than one month old.) In the old tank (since broken down), he was at least twice as big, and much greener. Maybe it will just take some...
  4. tlk

    Green Mushroom

    My once beautiful Green Mushroom doesn't seem to be happy. It was once a deep green color and had split several times for me. Does anyone know what I can do to make him happy again? NO3 - .1 NO2 - 0 Alk -High Ph - 8.2 Amonia - .2 SG - 1.022
  5. tlk

    New Tank Cycling

    Are you performing regular water tests? What are the readings? Did you have an Amonia spike yet?
  6. tlk

    Take a look at this beast

    Yes! Please get back with Height and weight!
  7. tlk

    HELP I need RO water FAST!!!!

    retested my Nitrate again.... this time I have a 2.5 (low range) reading. This is the second lowest rating on my chart. Am I ok with this or is any Nitrate bad? Thanks Again
  8. tlk

    HELP I need RO water FAST!!!!

    I just did a test on my tap water....NO2 - 0 and NO3 - 0. Do I still need RO water? Anyone else from Columbus, OH test there tap water with diffent results?
  9. tlk


    [sheepish grin] so, ahem, youre saying ---- is the place?? Guess I should read the entire post. :-)
  10. tlk


    Was wondering where I can get one that is very accurate Without sounding rude, noone has answered the question yet. You all agree that is more accurate but the question asked was WHERE. (I would also like the answer)
  11. tlk

    Water Flow

    Just to jump on the coat-tails of this question, when additional power heads are added, does it matter what direction they face? If I have two power heads on opposite sides of the tank, should they flow towards each other or away or does it not make any difference?
  12. tlk

    Book Poll

    Based upon the books offered for sale on this web-site, what is the one "must-have" book for the beginner.
  13. tlk

    What has happened to this board?

    I just discovered this website. I will be here daily!
  14. tlk

    5th Day update, hows my water?

    Try to bring the salinity up to about .023-.025 I thought specific gravity shouldn't get higher than 1.023. Can someone please advise?
  15. tlk

    Clean the bottom?

    I have a new tank set-up that has been up for around one week. Brown/red algae is forming on the LR and the bottom of the tank (no substrate). I want to add 40lbs of "Carib Sea Aragonite" to the floor of the tank. Can this go directly on top of the brown/red algae or should that be scrapped...
  16. tlk

    Dead Fish

    one of the five have died. The remaining 4 look fine and are eating well. The tank was completely scrubbed down (rocks and all) around 8 days ago.
  17. tlk

    Dead Fish

    This is a new(er) SW set up. Although I read on this site I should have used a piece of shrimp to start the cycle, it was after I had already purchased 5 "starter" fish. NO3 - 0 NO2 - 0 Alk - "High" Ph - 8.6 Amonia - 0 the Alk and Ph are corrected by water changes (I think). Is everything else...
  18. tlk

    Question for the Moderators

    I cannot find this answer in the FAQ's and did a search and still can't find the answer. i apologize in advance as I am sure that this is the wrong place to post this question. Here goes.... When I first log on to and go to the message board, in the upper right corner, there...
  19. tlk

    Daily Maintanance

    Let me start from the beginning...... A long time ago, I had a beautiful fish only tank. a few docroative rocks and a Puka (?) shell base. Basic lights that come with the first hood you would buy. Never had one problem. I move to a new house. I take my 10 or so fisha nd put them in a small...
  20. tlk

    Daily Maintanance

    75gal approx 80lbx of live rock. No substrate. right now there are only 5 small damsels. I have an emperor filer(hang off the back) and one powerhead (other one just dies on me). (I am new here. Should I put that stuff in the signature line?) Tank was over-run bygreen hair algea. I took...