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  1. tlk

    PH basics

    what is the best and fastest way to reach the desired PH level A rapid change in Ph (either up or down) can severely stress or kill any livestock you already have in your tank. You should change Ph Slowly
  2. tlk

    Turbo Snails

    Guess I'll keep quiet now. I have been watching him for awhile and he managed to back himself out of that hole. I guess they do know what they are doing! :-)
  3. tlk

    Ignore this post

    TLK was here
  4. tlk

    OT...but how do I

    get one of those little icon pictures under my name when I create a post??
  5. tlk

    Turbo Snails

    ok...I will report back in a day or two. I am just worried because it seems to be in a really tiny hole. The picture doesn't do it justice. I really don't think it is possible for it to turn around, but maybe it will be able to back out when its ready.
  6. tlk

    Turbo Snails

    Here is the bigger concern. The snail in this picture appears to be stuck (IMO). The opening is only slightly larger than the shell and I can't see how he can turn around. Should I worry about this or will it figure it out on its own? I have three others that are in similar tight spots.
  7. tlk

    Turbo Snails

    I have 5 turbo snails that like the rocks better than the glass. My fear is that they will get stuck and I wont find out about it until it dies (which I don't want to happen anyway). Is this common behavior for Turbos? Is it ok to "chase" after them and move them back to the glass when they...
  8. tlk

    paint on tank

    What is the benefit of painting the back of your tank? For a few dollars, you can buy any color background that you want and tape it on. If you get tired of that background color, you can easily remove the paper and give your tank a "fresh" new look. Seems like a no brainer to me, but what am...
  9. tlk

    how many fish in a 75 gal.

    I think you can have two tangs in 75 gal tank if you get them small and introduce them at the same time. If you get the larger ones to start with is where you run into problems IMO.
  10. tlk

    YEAH! I Got My Stuff!

    Where did you buy your Emperor? I need new filters and am looking for an online store. (They are not sold here, so hopefully the powers that be won't have a problem with you posting it here). If they do, please email me at
  11. tlk

    Ot-memorial Day Weekend!

    Just staying home. Plenty of ribs & beer (not necessarily in that order).
  12. tlk

    Clean Up Crew

    I have NO clean-up crew. I don't have an algae problem yet. But I am sure I will have one soon if I am not proactive about it. I had a problem in the past with snail falling off the glass and then the hermits killing them for their shells. Tank is just finishing first cycle after a MAJOR...
  13. tlk

    Clean Up Crew

    On this website, the 30-90 reef package is: 25 Scarlet Reef Hermits 20 Blueleg Hermits 20 Turbo/Astrea Snails 5 Sand Sifting Cerith Snails 1 Sally Lightfoot 5 Peppermint Shrimp 4 Emerald Crabs Is this enough or too much for a 75 gal tank? Seems like a lot to me, but just curious what...
  14. tlk

    Algae Everywhere!!

    Lawnmower? More details please
  15. tlk

    User Names?

    When I was growing up (in the early 80's), I was big into video games (asteroids in particular). When you get a high score, you are only allowed three initials. I was dating my future wife, so whenever I found a game to get a high score on (which was often), I would use the initials TLK. Tim...
  16. tlk

    Tank Finished Cycling

    Your LFS has sheets that you can buy that you can tape on to the back of your tank. Usually many different backgrounds to choose from. I don't like the backgrounds with pictures on them as they take away from what you have worked so hard to create in your tank. Black and Dark blue will show...
  17. tlk

    Tank Finished Cycling

    IMO, I would add a black or dark blue background to your setup there. When you add the fish, they will show off better. Plus, you don't see all the wires and stuff in the background. Set up looks good!
  18. tlk

    Fishin' for a Yellow-Tailed Damsel

    My damsels were VERY aggressive and ruled the tank (the reason I wanted them outta there). I have never had any clown fish so I don't know how they would react. Mine would nip at tangs that were at least twice their size and attack just about any new addition.
  19. tlk

    Fishin' for a Yellow-Tailed Damsel

    Good luck with the bottle trap. I also learned the hard way on getting those littles suckers out. What I ended up doing was moving all my Lr to one side of the tank, let the fish hide in that, put down a screen barricade in the middle of the tank, and then moved each piece of rock to the other...
  20. tlk

    Green Mushroom

    This is a new set-up, but they are the same distance give or take 3 inches.