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  1. foxthorn

    pictures of stands

    Yup... I got pics for you.... check out my old thread:
  2. foxthorn

    Can you ID this for me? Blastomussa?

    Thanks for the help!! I did some searching for fuzzy mushroom pictures -- Found one in Borneman's book that looks a lot like what I have. Thanks again :D
  3. foxthorn

    Can you ID this for me? Blastomussa?

    That's as close as I can get. I tried feeding it mysis shrimp and it just sucks the whole thing down in no time at all. It's definitely a big eater whatever it is.
  4. foxthorn

    Can you ID this for me? Blastomussa?

    Okay... here's the best pic I can get of it. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks a bunch!!
  5. foxthorn

    Can you ID this for me? Blastomussa?

    I got this hitchiker on my LR and he's growing like crazy. I'd love to know what it is... I thought it might be some form of Blastomussa - but not sure. Here's a pic...
  6. foxthorn

    what about this filter?

    I'm using an Ecosystem and have been very happy with it so far - although my tank is still relatively young. I used a 30gal tank and added the baffles as described by EcoSystem. If you send them an e-mail they will send you out the plans to build your own. You'll save a lot of $$$ that way...
  7. foxthorn

    Looking for Macros

    ... another pic...
  8. foxthorn

    Looking for Macros

    YGM! BTW.. for anyone else interested. I still have some left. $15 shipped.
  9. foxthorn

    Looking for Macros

    I've got Chaetomorpha (spaghtti) for sale. I'm in Farmington Hills, MI. Let me know if you're still interested.
  10. foxthorn

    Satin or Gloss Paint for back of tank

    I painted mine with Latex for the specific reason that I can peel it off easily if I ever wanted to. Of course being against the wall it doesn't get bumped much (nothign hanging off the back of mine) - but also I'm not likely to change the color unless the tank gets taken down or moved.
  11. foxthorn

    Satin or Gloss Paint for back of tank

    I went with Flat black latex on the back of mine and I'm very happy with it. I ended up putting 3 coats on with a 4inch roller. I don't think I'd like anything glossy or more reflective as it would be more noticable -- you want the back to just blend in.
  12. foxthorn

    lighting question

    I've found it very helpful to do searches on this board for BTA or 'bubble tip' to find tons of info. I usually do this prior to a purchase… that way I know before hand if my setup will be able to adequately care for it. Good luck.
  13. foxthorn

    homemade spraybars

    and one more. Sorry no pictures of it installed.... darn camera broke on me.
  14. foxthorn

    homemade spraybars

  15. foxthorn

    homemade spraybars

    I used the black sil-o-flex hose from HomeDepot cut to fit my 90gal .... then added a threaded fitting on one end and a cap on the other. Drilled 7 holes at 1/4inch diameter all in a straight line. Here are a few pics....
  16. foxthorn

    Nassarius snails

    If you're looking for a snail to clean up detritus and algae on the sand bed look for Cerith Snails. I added 8 of these to my 90 last week and I can't believe how fast they have cleaned things up - really amazing.
  17. foxthorn

    hazyness going on (PICS)

    Awesome! ... Glad it cleared up for you. It's amazing how much help this board can be... and of course a little patients helps too. ;) :cool:
  18. foxthorn

    Ok - Whats the trick to not having messy baffles?

    When I put mine in I used DAP aquarium silicone from HomeDepot. Came in a tube you can squeeze with one hand without using a caulking gun. I placed the baffle between 2 pieces of 2x4 and used a clamp to hold them together. Now the baffle will stay standing up in the desired location. Then I...
  19. foxthorn

    hazyness going on (PICS)

    I put a piece of polyfilter in my sump that the water is forced to go through.... I only left it in there for a couple of days. It really did a great job of catching and cleaning up a lot of the garage that was floating around.
  20. foxthorn

    New LFS in Metro Detroit!!!!

    Hey Daniel411... I went at lunch today to the place on Ford rd. that you mentioned (The Fish Tank)... Yeah they are small for sure. What's up with the sign they have on the tanks that says: "No Guarentee on Saltwater!" ??? That turned me off. -- Didn't have time to wait and ask them about it.