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  1. skrimpz

    My new nano pics

    I belive that petsmart carries that black sand to for the person who asked where it was bought from
  2. skrimpz

    Have i done something wrong?

    My tank is a 30 gallon hexagon, i have a fluval 204 on there right now and am planning oon getting a skimmer, Its a FOWLR. I went to my LFS last night and got 2 large snails one turbo and one thated started with an a i forgot how to say it. The tank has been up for about 3 months i added 3 clown...
  3. skrimpz

    Have i done something wrong?

    I have a choc chip starfish in there i know they need a certain amount of lighing will he be of with about 6 :happyfish
  4. skrimpz

    Have i done something wrong?

    maybe it can be seen better on this one
  5. skrimpz

    Have i done something wrong?

    I satrted a tread the other day about how all this brown algea was on my fake plants. My light is on a timer for 10 hrs a day and when i got home from work today i found my cc and fake white coral covered in the same brown algea. Am i doing somehing wrong? I don't have a skimmer and am plaaing...
  6. skrimpz

    10 gallon

    im new to salt to but i would invest in a bigger tank an 10 gallon would be hard to keep levels right smaller tanks with fresh and salt water , the smaller the tank the harder
  7. skrimpz

    Fake plants

    I'll do that until i get something else thanx. Should i get a powerhead or would i skimmer be better
  8. skrimpz


    ok thanx, ill try that
  9. skrimpz

    Fake plants

    you can see int inlet and outlet things of the flugal in the back of the second pic, should i adust the where the water flow comes out so that it hits the top of the water ?
  10. skrimpz

    Fake plants

    no i only have a flugal 204 i thought it would cause alot more water flow than it does, i plan on getting one of those small powerheads with the turning heads with my next pay check, do you recommend it even though it is only a FOWLR tanks? thanx. I'll try to take another pic tommorw of the...
  11. skrimpz

    Fake plants

    heres another
  12. skrimpz

    Fake plants

    Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone else uses any fake plants i was orginals going to have a FO tank and the after hearing all the wonderful things about LR added a small amount my question if does anyone else use fake plants my tank has been up are running with the fake ( silk i believe)...
  13. skrimpz


    i know this is kinda silly but on the faq it says in order to get a custom Avatar like alot of you guys do, i have to up load with an administrator, well how exaclty do i do that? Thanx
  14. skrimpz

    Enough filtration

    IF you keep the emperor i would keep the bio-wheel on it is just a build up of bebnfical bacterica just like bio-balls or those ceramic things ( sorry forgot what they are called) that are always used in canister filters
  15. skrimpz


    Has anyone else heard about the nail polish thing? I never where fake nails but is it true that nail polish can affect the tank ?
  16. skrimpz

    how do you clean debris from substrate???

    Ok thanx, beginner still learning.
  17. skrimpz

    how do you clean debris from substrate???

    Can you gravel vac / siphon sand? doesn't it all get sucked up?
  18. skrimpz

    Adding water to tank

    I've herad you are suppose to use distilled water to add to the tank where water has evop[ated but i am a beginner
  19. skrimpz


    Thanx everyone for the info!! very helpful
  20. skrimpz


    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone had any sponges ( or if most people have them in their tanks?)that they kept in there tank, i was interested in them but hadnt seen any posts on them so i was just curious what was involved in keeping them,