Search results

  1. twoods71

    Marine Tank Clarifier for hair algea removal?

    Never heard of such a thing and sometimes it is hard to trust a LFS. On the other hand sometimes things like that have unforeseen side effects. Keep us posted and let us know any more info you may find on the subject.
  2. twoods71

    Off the Subject..But take a LOOK!!!

    Beecher, I know the feeling. Beautiful blue is the color of my cude walls. Ahhh what a view.
  3. twoods71

    help please

    Tanks are almost the same price no mater where you go. When I was looking for a 55 the biggest price difference I seen was $10. I finally got mine at a very small local store for $69. I believe he sells his 75's for $109. Not too bad of a price. The store is in WPB off of 10th AVE. A little bit...
  4. twoods71

    how do i get rid of it?

    Brown algae most of the time, not always, is diatoms. Does it look like a dust or thin film? Is your setup a newer setup, less then 4 months old? If so odds are it is diatoms you are referring to. Diatoms are common in newer setups and require silicates to survive. If no more silicates are added...
  5. twoods71

    Biowheels w/live sand???

    The biowheels are designed to harbor beneficial bacteria that will break down ammonia and nitrite. I do not see how in anyway that process will deter the effectiveness of your LSB.
  6. twoods71

    Can anyone help with red algae?

    Red slime / cyanobacteria can be killed easily with an antibiotic much like the product mentioned above. The only draw back is you will be killing some of the benificial bacteria as well.
  7. twoods71

    Please help need advice.

    I would replace the old bio wheels for some new ones, same as the filter pad. The standard lighting on the eclipse is somewhat week. I started my reef with the standard 2 bulbs but it just wasnt enough. I added 2 more standard bulbs for a total of 4 and ran my system that way for several months...
  8. twoods71

    New tank cycled. ? about fish

    A newly cycled tank is very delicate. If there is no ammonia source available for a period of time the nitrifying bacteria will eventually die. Giving a period of about 4 days I do not think there will be a problem. When the new fish are introduced however I would not be surprised to see a "miny...
  9. twoods71

    How often do you do a h2o change? (honestly)

    About 10% once a month.
  10. twoods71

    NitrAtes at 80

    I would not worry about it. High nitrates at the end of a cycle is normal although some like myself do not get a nitrate spike.
  11. twoods71

    adding live rock to an established tank

    I have added rock slowly to my tank in the past without any complications. I just add a few pieces of fully cured rock at a time. No trick to it at all other then making sure it is cured and placing it in the tank in a timely manner similar to fish.
  12. twoods71

    Spreadsheet for tracking tank info

    Very nice thanks. I like making spreadsheets myself. I have made some for work that are so complex they took days to put together. Excell is a very powerful yet fairly easy to use tool.
  13. twoods71

    show me your reef pics&websites

    click on the little house above.
  14. twoods71

    Interesting Question

    The K value should at least be 5500 but a higher value would look alot better.
  15. twoods71

    algae, algae everywhere, but not a fish will eat

    This may help. <a href="" target="_blank">Lions and Tigers and Algae oh my.</a> Click on the link above for algae information.
  16. twoods71


    Darn snow birds !!!! HA! :D Just kidding !!! Hope ya have fun.
  17. twoods71

    To write or not to write

    Sometimes a letter will work other times they will not. Once I wrote a letter to the EPYX software company about a defective product and had a software engineer call and ask about the problem. New software was sent out and also a postage paid envelope so I could return the defective product back...
  18. twoods71

    Protein Skimmers

    If you just bought your seaclone new there is a great chance that it is a newer model and will require no modifications to work great. I have one on a 55 and am very happy with it. It does make a little noise however. There was another member on this board that made a very simple but excellent...
  19. twoods71

    Beginner needs answer to easy easy question

    Here is one commonly used when you are gone for awhile, come back home, and see the tank for the first time. HCWHTMT Holy Crap What Happened To My Tank. :D
  20. twoods71

    i know its a little off the subject

    I work for a large cell phone company and as stated above it all depends on who makes the phone. Although almost all of the newer phones will have a downloadable option. H2O, Motorola has what is called a language pack that is loaded into many phones. You probably over wrote that portion of the...