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  1. rbmount

    A whatizzit question

    Originally posted by rbmount My arrow crab had molted. That's what it was.
  2. rbmount

    A whatizzit question

    This morning it was there again, except this time it had a shape to it. My arrow crab had molted.
  3. rbmount

    A whatizzit question

    No, it was just sitting there. Dang, I wish I had been awake enough to get a pic.
  4. rbmount

    A whatizzit question

    This morning I looked in my tank and there was a white thing about 1/16th inch around and 3 inches long. It almost looked like a weedeater string, kinda whitish color When I pulled it out with an algae scraper it stuck and turned hard when exposed to the air. I haven't used any silicone near the...
  5. rbmount

    Royal Gramma and a Chaulk Bass Compatable?

    Probably not, being from the same family, they'll most likely fight.
  6. rbmount

    Quiet Hang on Back Skimmers

    I use a CPR bakpak on my 46. It is relatively quiet. I'm 5 ft from the tank now and can't hear it.
  7. rbmount


    Just 1, be sure it is a raw one, them remove it after a few days.
  8. rbmount

    Ever been to jail?

    Originally posted by Chandler04 Hoo is this ernest t bass? Is he that ernest guy from those movies? I hate those movies, theyre so dumb. You need to watch some Andy Griffith
  9. rbmount

    Ever been to jail?

    Tell that to the dumba$$ redneck dad, who didn't do a thing for her! This guy is so stupid, he makes Ernest T. Bass look like a genius!
  10. rbmount

    Ever been to jail?

    I smacked a smart mouth step daughter in the mouth for calling her mother a fu [hr] bi---. Her and her dumb a$$ redneck dad had me arrested for assault and battery! Before someone says you hit a girl, I don't care who you are, you cuss your mother, I'm gonna pop ya. I'm not sorry, I was...
  11. rbmount

    all weathermen should be fired!!

    I use the weatherdog method- if he comes in dry, the sun is shining, if he comes in wet it's raining. If he don't come back at all the wind is blowing.
  12. rbmount

    Is this even a peppermint shrimp?

    A peppermint shrimp(or a least mine) are mostly red, while a camelback has more defined white stripes with a more pronounced hump.
  13. rbmount

    Problem Solved? Or at least identified?

    After removing, I would do some water changes also.
  14. rbmount

    question for those with RO units

    Originally posted by theishkid how do these things actually work? Does water just fill up in that little tank? Where do you get the water from? We are building a new house and I'd like to put one in my bathroom next to my tank but I wouldn't know where to put it? If you have a big enough...
  15. rbmount

    phew! reeeks!!!

    You may or may not see any pods or worms. Check in the middle of the night with a flashlight, if they're in there you'll see them scurry. For right now, I'd test twice a week. My ammonia dropped from off the chart to 0, overnight, but you have to wait on the nitrates to drop also. I don't know...
  16. rbmount

    phew! reeeks!!!

    Smells like you don't need a shrimp for your cycle. Yep, that's about all you can do is sit back and watch, but on the good side-now is the time to do your research. By research, I mean read books,posts on this board or any web searches you can think of. You'll need kits for ammonia, nitrates...
  17. rbmount

    camel shrimp and xenia

    I've had neon damsels and a flameangel nip at my xenia. If you've got either, that might give you something to keep an eye on also.
  18. rbmount

    damsel behavior question

    My thinking is that it's a show of dominance, my yellow tail does the same thing to my sixline and firefish.
  19. rbmount

    Can you request a delay in shipment?

    They worked with me on mine, except I specified what day for delivery when I ordered.
  20. rbmount

    help! Cleaner Shrimp Lost Limbs

    They'll be back with the next molt.