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  1. blackfish

    Can I add these?

    The trigger, grouper, and snapper seem to even be a bit much once they have reached their adult sizes! Like Jwtrojan44 stated earlier you've already got a tang that can grow 2-3 more inches, the angel about 4 more, and the Tusk at about 1-2 more inches , and with the other three...
  2. blackfish

    Firefish temperament

    I disagree wih ahve one of such a shy and retiring fish in any size setup! In a stup of this size the firefish should be sort of a "centerpeice" fish and all of the other fish should be planned around that!
  3. blackfish

    Which Fish? (list inside)

    A Flasher Wrasse will not do good in your setup for 2 reasons. First of all they are schooling fish and should be kept in small to moderate groups. One Flasher Wrasse is going to be extremely retiring and you may only see it as it as it darts from rock to rock! You'd be better off with a Royal...
  4. blackfish

    Think I killed my sand

    Trigger it will take some time though you should start to see some life if you stay on a regular lighting and feeding schedule for about a month or two!
  5. blackfish

    My fire-fish won't come out.

    IN my experience fire-fish don't generally do good singly! I've almost always seen them kept sucessfully in groups of no less than 3. They seem to slowly just get more and more retiring, especially if you have active fish. Maybe, if your tank is big enough you can get two more so he won't be so...
  6. blackfish

    occellaris clown pair

    You shouldn't have any problems introducing the pair, just make sure that you buy them both at the same time! I have also had sucess buying both clowns to grow into dominant male and female fish! This ensures that they will have the best chance with co-habiting the tank together! A fairy Wrasse...
  7. blackfish


    One question what do you all use to inject the kalk paste with? You can't just go out and buy syringes!
  8. blackfish

    Fish Tank Mates

    One of the larger species of hawkfish might even eat your chromis if it big enough!
  9. blackfish

    What do you think about more fish?

    Temple you could safely add both of those fish to your system with a reasonable amount of certainty thy everything will be alright, but all of the fish you want have been known to vary greatly from individual to individual! But on the gallonage to in. of fish thing you are still ok because if I...
  10. blackfish

    Butterflys, angels, and tangs oh my

    Nicely Stated Jwtrojan44, My concern is that this is the reef board! Tangs, Dwarf angels, and butterfly's all have been known to corals and clam mantles. Tangs nip more so out of hunger. On the other hand Dwarf angels and butterfly's seem to nip corals especially those added after the fish have...
  11. blackfish

    What is This Creature?

    Looks like some sort of nudibrach
  12. blackfish

    really would like a shark egg

    Be aware that it will take a while for the shark to jatcj and then they are nocturnal so unless you stay up with a flashlight you'll be getting a relatively inactive shark that will make a snack outta your inverts!
  13. blackfish

    I surrender!

    don't just go to the ocean and pick any plants! You should try to mail order some macros!