Search results

  1. sloth54

    I Got Crabs

    if that falls through i live in New Lenox and would love to take them
  2. sloth54

    where to place 2 powerheads???

    i just bought to maxijet 1200 for my 55 gallon tank. Where is the optimal place to set these? thanks
  3. sloth54

    lunare wrasse and cleaner crew

    I have a small lunar wrasse which is about 2-3 inches and i was thinking of ordering a cleaner crew from this site. Will i have any problems? i read on here to monitor them with shrimp, but do they go after the crabs and snails?
  4. sloth54

    Just starting my tank back me stock it

    I just moved about 3 months ago so i wanted to completely redo my tank. I have a 55 gal with 40lbs of live sand and 25 lbs of live rock along with about 30 of base. Im getting some more live sand (15-20lbs) and live rock(10-20lbs) compliments of RobChuck who lives by me. I currenlty only...
  5. sloth54

    Free LR and LS in Chicago Area

    i can also be reached at 708-362-1003 anytime..thx
  6. sloth54

    Free LR and LS in Chicago Area

    i live in new lenox in bluestone bay and would love to have this stuff...i dont have in frags to trade though since i have a FOWLR tank. I actually just moved out to new lenox 3 months ago and im just getting everything going again. If you still have it please email me at
  7. sloth54

    85gal setup 4 sale CHICAGO

    i live in new lenox and would be interested in some of the live rock also. Let me know please. My email is
  8. sloth54

    how to get rid of algae on live sand

    if i move the sand around it will go away but its hard to reach in some places because of the i guess i probably used the wrong terminology by saying "coralline algae".... Whats the best way to get rid of what i do have?
  9. sloth54

    how to get rid of algae on live sand pretty sure..i am new to having live rock and live sand though. I always just assumed coralline algae was the purple algae. Is that right?
  10. sloth54

    how to get rid of algae on live sand

    What kind of fish/snails or crabs can i get to keep the algae off of my live sand...coraline algae is growing on my rocks and looks good, but i would prefer it not on the live sand...thanks
  11. sloth54

    Help me stock my 55 aggresive tank

    thanks for the replies....what about a wolf eel? would that be ok?
  12. sloth54

    Help me stock my 55 aggresive tank

    I want to stock my new 55 with aggressive fish. I know i want to get an eel and a trigger at least, but what kind of each do you recommend, and what other fish can i get? I dont really want a sfe unless i cant find anything else that isnt too expensive and the triggers i was looking at was...
  13. sloth54

    fish pic ?

    is this type of damsel ok with community fish or will it nip at tales of clowns, yellow tang, or coral beauty?
  14. sloth54

    Any Chicago Trader? exactly do you get in contact wiht that distrubtor. i think i have heard of them, and someone told me you have to call them or somthing? I live in Lansing Il and i am looking for some crabs and such... Thanks
  15. sloth54

    Free clown and purple gramma

    I can pick them up anytime..even today if you want. I am not far, and can be there at whatever time works for you. Let me know. thanks. email is
  16. sloth54

    help me start my 5 gal tank

    I already have a 55 up and running, but i want to set up a 5 gal tank for my nephew (they live close and i will take care of it). All that is going to go in there is 1 or 2 small fish but my question is what type of filter do i need, and can i just buy one of those 5 gal combos that cost like...
  17. sloth54

    5 Gallon Stock List???

    i have a 55 up and running, but my girlfriend wants a small 5 gallon tank but i did not think that was possible. CAn you just buy one of those 5 gal combos that cost like 40 bucks and come with the filter and be ok? or is that filter not good enough
  18. sloth54

    5 Gallon Stock List???

    what kind of filtration do you use on a 5 gallon tank?
  19. sloth54

    sfe...where do i get silversides

    how do you make sure you sfe gets them rather than the other fish?
  20. sloth54


    where can i get these to feed my sfe? Do they just sell them at the supermarket? is silversides what they would be called there?