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  1. hscott

    Green Hair Algae

    I forgot to tell you about my clean up crew. I have 20 hermits, 6 peppermint, 1 camelback, and 1 BCShrimp. I have a starfish and a flame scallop too. Today at the LFS I'm going to get some more hermits and some turbo snails if they have them.
  2. hscott

    Green Hair Algae

    THanks! My NO2 is very low >.03 do you think that my Nitrates could be very high? I don't have a test for that. I can get one today when I go out. The S.A.T. is described on the bottle as "Not a chemical. 100% live bacterial formula...non-pathogenic, natural bacteria that out-compete hair and...
  3. hscott

    Green Hair Algae

    Our green hair algae is coming back gang busters. :p I bought some Marine S.A.T. from the LFS. They said it should help. After the first dose the algae has only seemed to get worse. Does anyone know about this stuff? Have you had success with it? Any other (better) products out there?
  4. hscott

    Are Hippo Tangs pretty hardy?

    I plan on waiting for at least a few weeks to try to see if I can figure out why my fish died. I'm just trying to get information about these fish that my kids want so see if they'll work out (when we actually get them). From what I've gotten from the message boards, and people...
  5. hscott

    Are Hippo Tangs pretty hardy?

    OK, i confess... I don't know what HLLE is. I thought I could look it up on the acronyms page, but it wasn't there.
  6. hscott

    Are Hippo Tangs pretty hardy?

    Thanks~ I'll keep that in mind
  7. hscott

    Are Hippo Tangs pretty hardy?

    I have two children who are Nemo Nuts and they want a Nemo and Dory. My next order through is going to be 2 percula clowns and I'm thinking about a Hippo Tang too. Are they pretty hardy? I've had bad luck with fish dying of shock (3 days after they arrive) and want some hardier pets.
  8. hscott


    Oh, I forgot to tell you that we have a huge Eheim canister filter to accomodate the bio load.
  9. hscott


    We had a 3 inch Picasso Trigger and a 2 inch Niger. They did fine together. We also had a 6 line grouper. They all ate small minnows from our creek -- I wouldn't trust our Picasso with ANY of those other fish you mentioned. Hopefully the one you want to get is much smaller and your other...
  10. hscott

    percula clowns

    Do you think it would be OK to get 4 clowns from the same school? I have a 140 gal tank. I hate to say it, but I'd like to get 4 in hoping for at least 2 to live. If they'd all live, wouldn't they just school together like they did at the LFS?
  11. hscott

    Percula Clowns - Pair or Group?

    I'd like to get some percula clowns and wonder if it would be best to buy just two or rather four. I have a 140 gallon tank with some rock work. No anenomes yet.
  12. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    Thank you very much everyone for your suggestions. :) You are all so helpful. Everyone else in the tank is doing well. I think I'll wait a little while and start adding more slowly. Thanks again.
  13. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    what do you think about putting a few aquacultured percula clowns or a couple blue (or) green chromis. Are either of these more hardy?
  14. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    Wow, thank you for all your information Ophiura. Let me try to answer your questions. As for the bleach, I've learned my lesson. The bleach was 1/2 strength and they didn't soak in the bleach long. Most pieces were just dipped, maybe 3 soaked for 1 minute each. All in all there were 4 larger...
  15. hscott

    Dot on envelope ??

    Melody, I think you must be right. I still had a dot and you all had posted since I had. Thank you for clearing that up for me.:)
  16. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    If I were to start over, what do you mean by that? REALLY start over, or do an extreme water change.
  17. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    Now would a bleach residue filter out? I did that 3 weeks ago and we have a 140 gallon tank with an eheim filter. Also, the fish seem GREAT when we first put them in and for about 48 hours after that.
  18. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    Oh, I forgot to add that I did this after selling the triggers, but before the clowns, inverts and lemon peel angel.
  19. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    Hey, thanks everyone for your suggestions. I have been thinking about what you've said and wonder if it was bleach. :eek: I know you are all gasping. Because of the green hair algae, I took all the rocks, coral, plants etc., out of the tank and brushed it off. I dunked the coral (dead kind)...
  20. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    thanks!!! I have come to realize that. I'm learning...slowly.