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  1. troubledfemale


    I live in Miami, fL and do to the past hurricane season my fish tank has yet to recover all my fish died except for 3 damsels who are still alive to this date, now I have algae all over the place and it jsut keeps on growing I don't know what to do I'm afraid to but a pair of tangs so that they...
  2. troubledfemale

    Water Problem

    I found the culprit of my stinky problem. I have (had) 2 eels a zebra moray and a snowflake eel we forgot to put the cover that we put inside on and he fell out (snowflake) and like they are not out and about like the fish we didn't notice4 until yesterday, when I went to clean the floor, my...
  3. troubledfemale

    Water Problem

    I know i have to do a water change to my, however since yesterday it's had a horrible :eek: smell to it, it smells like a dead animal and I have no clue what is wrong that has never happened before.:nervous: If any ine has an idea onhow to get rid of the smell let me know a.s.a.p :help:
  4. troubledfemale

    May 19th

    Gas is 2.19 a gallon here in Miami, Fl
  5. troubledfemale

    pics of my 10 gallon nano

    Nice job!:yes:
  6. troubledfemale

    my zebra moray eel.

    That's my puppy his name is Hercules
  7. troubledfemale

    my zebra moray eel.

    thank you, i would say he's a good 16" long (just about)
  8. troubledfemale

    my zebra moray eel.

    his name is fathead
  9. troubledfemale

    Aquarium of the Month -- Win a Free $75 Package

    Originally posted by uwscotch Number 2 Is that an octopus i see if it it do you have a better picture so that i may take a look at it
  10. troubledfemale


    I have had a rock full of mushrooms in my tank for a while and today i noticed that there is 1 pretty big sixed mushroom on the other side of the tank attached to a rock. I was wondering if that's normal :happy: or if i have something to worry about:confused: :notsure: .
  11. troubledfemale


    It is not drillled, and where would I be able to have it drilled.
  12. troubledfemale

    Aquarium of the Month -- Win a Free $75 Package

    here goes nothing!
  13. troubledfemale


    :confused: Yesterday a coworker had mention to me that they knew some one who had a 125 gallon tank for saltwater and was getting rid of it. So of course firts I asked how much and he told me free So I was extatic we went picked up at the guy's house and brought home. As soon as we got home we...
  14. troubledfemale

    Fuzzy dwarf lionfish

    they eat anything that will fit in there mouth and looks can be deceiving!
  15. troubledfemale

    I need advice!

    Originally posted by elfdoctors We tried to do something similar at my daughter's kindergarten class. The clownfish just laid on its side pretending to be dead as long as there were kids around. It was a lot of work for not a great experience. I'd be concerned with having a small tank around...
  16. troubledfemale

    will black/white perculas pair with regular orange ones?

    I had a pair and they almost killed each other.
  17. troubledfemale

    I need advice!

    My daughter wil be 2 years old in a week and I have all the party stuff ready. However the theme I'm doing is Finding Nemo I bought everything I could find at the party stores for the event. But I was thinking I have a 1 gallon fish tank which I used for my feeders in the past. And wanted to buy...
  18. troubledfemale

    XXL Hermit Crab

    I think big is an under statement thet thing is HUGE!!! But it looks nice you should name him Hercules
  19. troubledfemale


    I have scanned my pics and they are jpeg file but now when i try tp post them they say they are too big, and that they need to 500 x 500. What does that mean pixels, percent, cm ?what? I'm lost:help:
  20. troubledfemale

    Aquarium of the Month -- Win a Free $75 Package

    Originally posted by kreach You have to resize them using some sort of graphics editing program like Microsoft Paint, Photoshop or various others. If you don't have access to one, I'd be happy to resize your pics for you... just send them to Thank you first I'll try to...