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  1. stackman

    Reef Safe Ich Treatment!

    Right now I have 1 Royal Gramma 2 True Percula Clowns 3 Green Chromis 1 Scissor Tail Goby 1 Blood Fire Shrimp 1 Peppermint Shrimp 1 Coral Banded Shrimp 10 Blue Legged Hermit Crabs 2 Turbo Snails 1 Sebea Anemone So far everything is looking just dandy:)
  2. stackman

    Blood Red Fire

    My Bloodfire seems to like to hang on the rocks, but I've never seen him do it upside down.
  3. stackman

    Reef Safe Ich Treatment!

    Yep, I'm aware of this. I'm just letting you know that so far, early into the treatment, it is working. Thanks for the info though. Stackman
  4. stackman

    Reef Safe Ich Treatment!

    One of my clowns came down with a mild case of ich, so I went to my LFS and bought Ich Attack made by Kordon. Its reef safe and it seems to be working. I'll keep you updated on whether or not its worth looking into. Stackman
  5. stackman

    Blood Red Fire

    I have a blood fire shrimp, a coral banded shrimp, and a peppermint shrimp, and they get along just fine. The blood fire is a little agressive when it comes to getting the food in the sand. If the peppermint and the blood fire are both going for the same piece of food, the blood fire will get...
  6. stackman

    Anemonae and Clownfish

    I have a 10,000k bulb and an actinic.
  7. stackman

    Anemonae and Clownfish

    I put in a Sebae anemonae in my tank today, and my percula clownfish began lightly brushing it every ten minutes or so. From what I understand, that is normal. Before long though, it appeared that he began to nip the tentacles of the anemonae. The anemonae seems to be less than a fan of the...
  8. stackman

    Cleaning crews

    Alright, I'll just stick to the snail per 5 gallons for right now, because I have plenty of algea. If I need more, I'll add as I need. Thanks.
  9. stackman

    29 Gallons

    Looks great! Thanks!
  10. stackman

    my first recipe

    Sounds delicious
  11. stackman

    Pictures of my Friends 380...

    Wow. That's a nice tank! Wish I could afford one that large.
  12. stackman

    Cleaning crews

    What is an appropiate amount of blue legged hermit crabs and turbo snails to keep a 29 Gal reef relatively clean? I've heard 1 snail to every 5 gals?
  13. stackman

    ick cure?

    There's a reef safe treatment called No-Ich available. A friend of mine had a horrible ich outbreak in his tank, the worst I had ever seen. He used No-ich for two weeks, and everything was fine. No corals or other inverts died. I highly recommend it.
  14. stackman

    Time lights are on

    I run actinics for 12 hours (10:00-10:00) and a 10,000K for 10 hours (11:00-9:00)
  15. stackman

    Nitrate, Nitrate,nitrate

    Sorry to be specific, but is it Nitrates that are high, or the Nitrites? The two are different. Nitrates will tend to build up slowly and are usually taken care of through water changes. The nitrites may be from overloading your tank, or waste accumulating in the bottom of the tank. Do you have...
  16. stackman

    Kinds of Shrimp

    I have a coral banded and a peppermint that get along without any trouble.
  17. stackman

    29 Gallons

    Anyone got any pictures of their 29 Gals? I have one myself and I am looking for some inspiration. I would post a pick of mine, but I lack a digital camera right now.
  18. stackman

    Just started a new 20H

    Ah yes, the ole' damsel cycling approach. It's a good method. Its a hardy fish, and gives you something to look at while your tank cycles. Give it some time, and you'll have an excellent mini-reef.
  19. stackman

    Ever heard of this?

    Hey SLOFish, I'm sorry I can't remember the name of the medicine, but there is actual reef safe ich treatment that my friend was using just this past week. I can't remember the name of it, but I remember he got it from New Hampshire. I'll try and get the name of it for you. (I know it sounds...
  20. stackman

    Need Advice

    Yes, welcome to the hobby. Its good to see another person with a small tank. I recommend sticking with small species of non aggressive fish. Your two clowns, some chromis, maybe a small wrasse. You can also get some shrimp. Those are always fun. Stackman