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  1. saltwaterbob

    White flakes in water

    I just teed off the 2 1" returns to go thur a 16" white 100 micron sock. Will see if that helps catch everything floating.
  2. saltwaterbob

    Lobster Tank Cracked Fix Needed

    I recently purchased a used 100 lobster tank. The 1in mpt fitting I used to replace the old one caused the 1in hole to crack the acrylic bottom about 3 seperate cracks only 4in out from the hole. I also cracked the threaded blocks attached on the top and bottom of the acrylic .Did anyone ever...
  3. saltwaterbob

    White flakes in water

    I have a 180gallon fish only tank. The sump has a huge 40 gallon sump with bio balls and a monster skimmer. The white flake are not in the sump but visable in the display tank. The pump is 1200 gph to a dual overflow. I have alot of water flow crashing down onto my filter pad. The fine white pad...
  4. saltwaterbob

    Top Off Idea

    I have toyed with this idea the tubing must be large. 1/4" ice maker line will not work. The unit must be 100% sealed or the water will dump in one shot. The amount of evaporation means alot of make up water. Disadvantages you still need to carry the water Gallons to the tank.
  5. saltwaterbob

    Red Slime Gone due to 41.5 VAC Stray Voltage

    This stray voltage come thru the air and is present in the tank. A GFCI will only interupt the circuit in a overload condition and will trip close to the source instead of at you curcuit breaker box. This apartment has every bulb blown all breaker tripped and black smoke on the walls at the...
  6. saltwaterbob

    Red Slime Gone due to 41.5 VAC Stray Voltage

    The lights are on and working like normal the only thing was when you lift the lights off the glass top the 41.5 voltas on the meter goes to 2VAC this did not do this before the power spike. I put the old lighting back and the tank is doing fine.
  7. saltwaterbob

    Red Slime Gone due to 41.5 VAC Stray Voltage

    That is right I have been battling red slime algea in a 65gallon tank for 8 months on and off. The cleaners who shampood the carpet got water in the outlet blew every bulb in the apartment including the insulation resistance of the new lighting system. This was not a problem before the...
  8. saltwaterbob

    36 gal refugium help

    I just read that notable reef authorities recommend having a refugium turn over rate similiar to that of the main tank. Is this against everything that I have be reading? I could elimate 1 of my external pumps and go down to 1200gph this is what I had for 3 years prior. This 36 refuge looks as...
  9. saltwaterbob

    36 gal refugium help

    This is the space I have.I have a reactor with the CO2 bottle far right now.
  10. saltwaterbob

    36 gal refugium help

    I operate a 6 foot 180 gallon reef with large fish I have a 2 little giant pumps 1 at 1000 gph thur one stand pipe the other 1200 thru the other. I have a dual airstone protein skimmer, at 25w uv, chiller and cal reactor. I use 720 watts of lighting.Currently the sump has dual drains is 30gal...
  11. saltwaterbob

    Diseased Scopus Tang

    Yes you can use the pic, I thought I knew what head and line HLLE was. I am learning every day. I thought this condition was a bacterial infection that feeded on the skin and upper fins. Wrong?
  12. saltwaterbob

    Diseased Scopus Tang

    Got a picture of your yellow tang?
  13. saltwaterbob

    Diseased Scopus Tang

    Wow that really stinks, I was hoping to get the true colors back. What a horrible thing to happen. What causes this and how to prevent it in the future?
  14. saltwaterbob

    Star Polyp that wont open

    Thanks I shound not worry then?
  15. saltwaterbob

    Diseased Scopus Tang

    I got this scopus tang from a friend he did want it. I put it in a 180 gallon reef. He treated the bacteria that was eating it in his tank. This fish is always eating and is active. My quiestion is how long until his skin comes back? I also took a yellow tank in this similar condition and his...
  16. saltwaterbob

    Star Polyp that wont open

    Ataching a photo of star polyp that wont open.
  17. saltwaterbob

    Star Polyp that wont open

    I bought this large star polyp attached to live rock. When I got it would open slightly, then I moved it a few times and it will not open at all. Its 4 days old. Has not opened even at night. I know they are hardy, some say it may take a week. But I am worried because it has not shown any good...
  18. saltwaterbob

    Need to know formula

    A 150 gallon tank is 72X31X18=40176/267.84=150gallons so your is a 72X24X36=62208/267.84=232gallons or so.
  19. saltwaterbob

    connecting a cal reacor to sump...??

    I used the pressure method of feeding the reactor. The suction did not work for me I found in longer runs and for peace of mind to have positive pressure flow helps. Using a t fitting.I went 1" pvs t fitting to 1/2" stepped down to 1/4". I stepped this down to a 1/4" fiiting, The main pump was...
  20. saltwaterbob

    Got a ballast supply problem.

    I have a Custom Sea Life Ballast that controls 2 96watt pc's. Its housed with 3 175watt 10K Metal Hylides I keep burning the bulb out on one side. I tried changing the socket this helped at first then burned the bulb out. I had a known good ballast by that company from another tank. That helped...