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  1. seaslugs

    I love my dog.

    Originally posted by clownfish_and_bettas Rye, wow! That puppy is adorable!:joy: I love boxers! My fave kind of dog next to [hr] Spaniels! My dog was a pure bred orange and white [hr] .... my sis's dog is a pure bred liver and white [hr] . No pics right now though.... Seaslugs, what...
  2. seaslugs

    What a Nor'Easter!!!

    A cruise to the Bahamas sounds great right now! It's raining here! Makes life miserable! (great day for football though)! Stay Safe!
  3. seaslugs

    any one else see this at there local deathco opps *****

    As far as sea slugs comment about I would hate to see to how you would react if there was a real problem, Lets see what you got to say about *****. [/B] I believe your question was "Who would buy that crap" in reference to ocean water! My response was in regard to the purchase of "ocean water"...
  4. seaslugs

    Ocean water for use

    Hi BLK822,, I use ocean water but not from directly offshore. I hesitate to even swim in the coastal waters here in SoCal! I'm sure your coastal water is in much better shape and you may get a decent supply if you boat out a mile or two. If you filter the heavy stuff out and test it it may be...
  5. seaslugs

    I love my dog.

    Had to get rid of this one...... gave my wife the creeps!!!
  6. seaslugs

    any one else see this at there local deathco opps *****

    Originally posted by seaslug thank for the info 1 more thing we all do water changes so what does your LFS do with the water they take out of there tanks do they put it back where they got it from and if so do you think that they add any thing bad to there water in there tanks. at .30...
  7. seaslugs

    any one else see this at there local deathco opps *****

    Originally posted by seaslug was just wonting to know have you do any test on the water yourself and how did it turn out for you and is there anyone else using it other then seaslug and have you do any test and how did it turn out for you. O how much did you pay for it and how much...
  8. seaslugs

    any one else see this at there local deathco opps *****

    Originally posted by nicky1.8t i was there for a non fish related reason and i saw they sell ocean water for sw tanks. what the heck is that who would buy that crap. sorry i had to vent on this subject. but the new smiles will make me happy again:joy: :yes: :joy: :yes: :joy: I buy that...
  9. seaslugs

    What a Nor'Easter!!!

    Nor'whatster?!???! What's that!? 75 degrees and sunny here in Huntington Beach! Guess I'll go out and clean the pool....... (just poking a little fun at ya, hope everyone up there stays safe)
  10. seaslugs

    my cycle does not seem to be moving...

    Originally posted by Kipass4130 bob, i am singing Plant Man in my head to theme of Batman c'mon everyone sing along your tanks should be fine... sounds like everything is on schedule good luck Plant man! -Plant man!- Plant man! duh de duh de duh de duh Plant man!!!!!! Hilarious!!! I am very...
  11. seaslugs

    How long to rid tank of Ich?

    Thank you very much!! Four weeks it is! :clap: (new smiley)
  12. seaslugs

    How long to rid tank of Ich?

    How long does it take to get any remnants of ich out of the main tank. The fish have been removed for treatment and I want to make sure there are no "leftovers" before they go home. I have LR and Live DSB. (I've searched this site but couldn't find a definitive answer) Thanks
  13. seaslugs

    Lunare Wrasse & Starfish

    Hey PuffyGrrl! I notice you are right down the road from me? I'm in Huntington Beach.
  14. seaslugs

    Lunare Wrasse & Starfish

    Thanks for the responses... He will be moving to a 100 gallon tank once it's set up and ready to go. I would like to have some clean-up crews in there but like you mentioned, I don't want them to turn into fish food!
  15. seaslugs

    here's some pics of my tank

    Thanks, I thought the same thing...... just want to make sure I was doing it right....
  16. seaslugs

    here's some pics of my tank

    A little of topic, but....I notice that you have your temperature strip at the top of your tank.......... I have mine at the bottom. In your opinion, is it better to have it at the top or bottom?
  17. seaslugs

    Lunare Wrasse & Starfish

    Thanks Michael, based on your experience, I will assume the same would happen to the sand-sifter. I will wait till the wrasse is in his bigger tank and then put the sifter in this one. I did purchase 2 red-leg reef hermits a month ago and put them in with him, the LFS said he would eat them, but...
  18. seaslugs

    Lunare Wrasse & Starfish

    Originally posted by Dugan Better yet, get the Lunare Wrasse out of your 40G!!! That fish is going to get WAY too big for a 40. You're just asking for trouble with that setup. :( Katie Why's that? He's been in this tank for 4 years and has been just fine. If I follow the rule of 1 inch of...
  19. seaslugs

    Lunare Wrasse & Starfish

    Can I add a sand-sifter star fish to my tank with my Lunare Wrasse? Or will he eat it? Thanks
  20. seaslugs

    Fuzzy "whiskers" on Tomato Clown??

    Thanks Bang Guy and Beth, When I first noticed them I kinda freeked out! They actually look like little whiskers, and I had been reading everything I could on these boards about black ich and how it looks like raised spots on the fish. I hadn't noticed anything similar on any other pictures of...