Search results

  1. chipper

    29lbs Fiji Live Rock for Sale!!!

    Maybe a possibility to ship, but buyer will have to pay shipping.. Let me know your zip and what type of delivery you would want (i.e. next day)
  2. chipper

    29lbs Fiji Live Rock for Sale!!!

    I am taking down my tank and my local LFS will not buy back my premium fiji live rock. Buyer must be within driving distance of Denver I will not ship sorry. Price Negotible
  3. chipper

    question about floresent lighting

    Call or email the company who makes the bulb. That is what I did and I put a reef sun 50/50 bulb in a flourescent canopy and it works just fine.
  4. chipper

    OT: We caught Saddam!!!

    jferrier, First let me say that I respect everyone’s opinion on this matter. I believe the reason that the Iraqi’s did not overthrow Saddam is that they were scared. For decades this man and members of his regime have terrorized and killed millions of Iraqi’s. If one person or several people...
  5. chipper

    thinkin about a blue ringed octopus for my nano

    Thanks mnreefman!! I found the website because I have been thinking about getting an octo for a long time. I have all the equipment I just need to octo proof my tank and order an octo. If you do decide to get one check out
  6. chipper

    thinkin about a blue ringed octopus for my nano

    I almost forgot to tell you BalaShark!! The water that a blue ring comes in can be toxic even after the octo is removed. I have read that some scientist have felt the neuro-toxic effect of blue ring poision after putting their hands in the bucket of water that the octo had previously been in. So...
  7. chipper

    thinkin about a blue ringed octopus for my nano

    I also agree that keeping a blue ring is very dangerous. But if you insist on keeping one go to This website is dedicated to care of octo's in home aquariums. The forum is filled with expert aquarist who have kept octopus(including blue rings), cuttlefish, and nautilus...
  8. chipper

    Has anyone ever had an octopus?

    I have been thinking about getting one for a long time. The best website I found on octo care is All the people in the forums have been keeping octopus, cuttlefish, and nautilus for years.
  9. chipper

    HorseShoe Crab Question

    I volunteered at an aquarium where I handled horseshoe crabs, and I was told to stick a piece of krill under their shell. You might want to soak it in Garlic Xtreme which might help the horseshoe crab recover. Also, they need tons of open space to forage for food. If you are going to keep him...
  10. chipper


    I have been reading alot of post on carbon filtration in this forum and I am confused. This is what I have in my FOWLR 29gal (over a year old) a protein skimmer, 29lbs of Fiji Live Rock, 2 1/2 to 3 inch live sand bed, Emperor 280 Bio-Wheel. I have been replacing the carbon filters in my...
  11. chipper

    Nitrate ?

    Would having a refugium help? I have thought about installing one for a while now.
  12. chipper

    Nitrate ?

    The test kit I am using is Red Sea Marine Lab. My tank is a 29gal FOWLR and has been running for over a year I added some fish recently and my last water change was last night.
  13. chipper

    Nitrate ?

    Hello, I just tested my water and here are my results. Ammonia=0 Nitrites=0.1 Nitrates=10 Ph=8.3 How do I get my nitrates and nitrites to go down? I have already done a water change, but it really hasn't helped much. Thanks
  14. chipper

    WHo has the largest or most bristleworms? Let's see!!

    I know this might be a stupid question, but can bristleworms kill fish?
  15. chipper

    rotating power heads

    I have a Zoomed powersweep it's okay, but the suction cups on it suck.
  16. chipper

    WHo has the largest or most bristleworms? Let's see!!

    WOW!! I can't imagine a worm being 8 feet long or even 8 inches long. I thought my tank was weird because it has 4 inch bristleworms.
  17. chipper

    WHo has the largest or most bristleworms? Let's see!!

    I have a ton of these guys in my tanks right now and I actually trapped one that was 4 inches long. I was just curious if anyone had picture of bristleworms in there tank?
  18. chipper

    Begginer Questions

    Hi Deb, I would suggest a clean-up crew so there is less work for you. I believe that has clean up crews as well as ***********.com and to name a few. I personally have not ordered online from ***********, but I have had a good experience with ordering from SFW and...
  19. chipper

    Lighting ?

    How much lighting do I need for a FOWLR 29gal tank? Right now I have 18 watts of 50/50 reef sun and thought about getting another 18 watt 50/50 reef sun bulb?
  20. chipper

    Heat ?

    The temperature drops about 2-3 degrees. I will rearrange some of the equipment and place the heater horizontally near the sand bed. I will also look into purchasing another powerhead. I appreciate your advice and taking the time to answer my questions. Thanks