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    feather duster closed for 3 days

    I have one and with in two days of first putting it in it lost its feathers. After about 3 days I was going to remove the tube from the tank thinking it was dead. when I went in to grab the tube something inside the tube moved so I let it set for about two weeks. then little feathers popped out...
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    Fox Face and what to feed him

    Thanks for the replies. I called my wife to pick up some of that seaweed select tonight on her way home. When I went home for lunch the foxface was belly up. :( Sad, very sad. I hate loosing a one of my critters. The money doesn't bother me at all, Its the loss of an animal in my care that...
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    coral banded shrimp

    I love my CBS. He by far is my favorit in the tank. The way he walks around with those big pinchers sticking out is alsome to see. As for other shrimp in the tank I have three cleaners in there as well. All 4 shrimp have been in for about 7 months. Now and then I have found the cleaner shrimp...
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    another stupid question/water changes

    I think it has to do with the size of the tank. If you have a 35 gal tank I would do water changes, but not once a week like some people do. Maybe once a month. Now if you have a 200 gal tank then I wouldn't do changes until there seems to be a problem brewing. The tank if set up correctly, it...
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    sally lightfoot

    I had 4 sallys in my 55 and they did great. Then one day I found the larger one eating a smaller one. At first I thought it was eating a molted shell then I saw the molted shell trying to get away. Thats when I knew he was a canibal. Then I was down to two. These two lived in harmony for about...
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    cleaner shrimp won't clean

    fishfreek, Have you put your hand in the tank to see if the shrimp will clean your hand? My three cleaners B-line strait to my hand as soon as it goes in. Also I find they clean anything I move in the tank. Rocks, corals, sand. But at the same time my purple tang and my two Percs won't let...
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    Calling all Kent Maxxima Hi-s RO/DI users

    Pufferdaddy, I use city water(st. louis). My Phosphates read O thats why I'm so frustrated. If the Phosphates were up then I'd have an answer. If the silicate remover on the RODI is bad how would I know. I fill 5 gallon water jugs up with the RODI and have filled about 100 gallon total sence...
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    Mr. Salty, I my tank is 8 months old, it has 60 lbs of live sand (fiji) my lights are on from 1:00 pm till 9:00 pm and I feed them one cube of frozen brine once every other day. With the 3 cleaner shrimp, the CBS and the Btittel star there isn't a lot that gets left to rot. I thougth about...
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    Fox Face and what to feed him

    I bought a Fox Face this weekend to help on the hair algae problem, but he or she doesn't seem interested in it. So I know it's hungry and I need to feed it. I feed my purple tang and two clowns frozen brine which they seem to love but the fox face just sniff it and swimm away. Now he could just...
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    Silicate, and testing for Silicate

    Is there a test kit out their that test for Silicat in the water. Now I'm looking for a normall test kit, not one of those 300 dollar test units. I need to find out if my RO/DI unit is working up to speed. Thanks TTFN
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    Calling all Kent Maxxima Hi-s RO/DI users

    Has anyone had any problems with algae after switching to this RODI? Of cource I have thats why I ask. Thanks TTFN
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    I have a 55 with 90 pounds of rock and a bad algae problem. I think its hair algae but not sure becouse I have never seen hair algae before. My phosphates are 0 my nitrates are .2 and nitrites are 0. I use 2 50/50 55w PC lights that about 3 months old. Now this is were it gets interesting. I...
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    water conditions

    cal.-400-475 nitrits-0 nitrates-0 am.-0 phos.-0 sal.-1.022 PH-8.2 alk.-I'm not sure This is the goal. This takes time. Lots of time.
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    How do you attach a coral to the rock

    I have a small leather that I'm trying to attach to may rock, the problem is that the rock I want to attach it to can not be taken out of the tank. I'v tried the super glue gel but it dries up right when it hit the water. Is their any other methods to do this. And where I want to put it I can't...
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    twitching tang

    Well I think it was nerves. Two days later and the twitching is gone. Now he just up and down the side of the tank looking to get out. I know this is just a ajustment time for him but I've never seen a fish twitch like that before. TTFN P.S. water temp 80
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    Easy Questions

    Are the bulbs made by Coral Life? If so on the side of the BULB package it will say 50/50 on it, if so then you have 220 total watts. 55 watts per tube not bulb but tube. TTFN
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    I'm sorry to say but RO water is a must. Giving the reef bad water is like sticking you in a garage with the door closed and the car running. If you give the reef bad water you're going to kill it or make it suffer a miseralbe life. SPEND THE MONEY! Its the most important part of the tank. Good...
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    Easy Questions

    You say you have compact lights. How many total bulbs do you have? With my compacts I have 4 bulbs total, 2 on the left and 2 on the right. Now each side only has one bulb that plugs in but that one bulb has two tubs. One white and one blue. Each tube is 55 watts totaling 220 watts for all 4...
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    Feather Duster Question

    Cool! Thanks LEWOLF. I'm glad I didn't pitch him. TTFN
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    twitching tang

    This is my first post in the fish only section of this board. Mainly becouse until this weekend I only had two Perc's and they are doing very well. Anyway I bought a beautiful Purple Tang this week end, And aclimated him for about 1 hour removing LFS water and adding my water. When I released...