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    Feather Duster Question

    I have a feather duster that is about 5 inches in diameter, the tube is about 1 inch in diameter. I've had it for about a month and last week the feather part came off and ended up under a rock. My hermit crab was picking at it so I scared him away and the next day the feather was still in the...
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    looking for a good Calc test kit

    Does anyone know of a good calcium test kit. The one I've been using is a pain in my @#!. I have to add anywhere from 20 to 30 drops of this reagent until the sample water turns from purple to true blue. The problem is the true blue part. It never reaches true blue. It dose turn blue about 25...
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    Two Perc's ready for an Anemone

    I've got two Perc's that are paired, I've had them for about 4 months now. They both stay at one end of the tank most of the time and would never go close the the LR. And now the larger one has taken a liking to my large Yellow Leather and camps out underneath it. It's located at the same end...
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    evaporation rates

    55g 220w pc's no fan about a gallon a day with no hood 1/4 gallon with hood on. I leave the hood off (better lighting) I use a one gallon milk jug suspended from my ceiling on a IV drip. 79 at night 81 in the day with lights on AC is always on in the house set to 78 or cooler. TTFN
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    Coral Slime

    I was wandering if the slime corals put out when threatened will raise nitrate levels. I know in small amounts it shouldn't, but what about large amounts? Thanks TTFN
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    Buying a RO/DI unit tomarrow Whats the best one out

    Well, I installed mine last night. The directions say to have it installed by a Pro plummer. Ya Right. The filter on my tank is harder to setup the this RO/DI. The system has two exit lines comming off of it. One is a waist line that you put down the drain, the other is a product line. The waist...
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    Most clams I see are normally on the sand bed. Can you, and will they attach to the live rock. And if so, can you place them high up on the rock for better lighting? TTFN
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    Besides the water what else can raise your phosphates? TTFN
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    Algae build up between DSB and glass

    How bad is it? Well, thats tuff to say. On a scale of 1 to 10 its a 6. If that helps. The strange thing is, it's only in the front of the tank. The side are fine. Maybe a 1 on that same scale. I'll keep and eye on it and if it gets worse I'll repost. Thanks for the help. TTFN
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    Sally caught picking on my feather duster

    I just got a Feather dust last weekend. Its about 5 inches in diameter open, and the tube is about an inch in diameter. Last night I caught my sally light foot picking at the tube. I used my glass scrapper to scare him off, this time. Am I going to have problems with these two living together...
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    Algae build up between DSB and glass

    O-Sammy, It's green and changing to a deep red color. If I scrape it clean like you said will it grow back again and if so should I let it be and hope it will go away. I use bottled water (steam stilled) and getting a Maxxima HI-s rodi tommarow which is suppose to remove 99% of all silica from...
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    Oh geez--now Im confused

    No the reason people don't like sand sifting is it can destroy the life living in the sand. Which you need to help filter the tank. I'm up in the air about this one. I have a sand sifting goby and he keeps my sand very clean.
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    Running on skimming

    Sure. It's called the Berlin method. 1.5 to 2 lbs of live rock per gal 3 to 5 inch deep sand bed (DSB) about 2lbs per gal. Your skimmer. Thats it For filtering. I do this. The rock and the sand do most of the filtering for you. Now I have a prefilter to get out any large items in the water...
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    Help! New Berlin Turbo Skimmer

    I use the Classic model on my 55. Now I feed it with a mag drive 700 gph pump which I have to valve down or I will get bubbles in the tank. On the turbo It comes with Its own pump. I would think the psi is correct so you problem is in the air valve. When I do water changes my skimmer gets filled...
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    Algae build up between DSB and glass

    Over the last 2weeks or so I have noticed a build up of algae between the glass and the 4" fiji sand bed. My turbo snails will stick to the glass and work their way down to the sand bed. Then they will try to dig their way below the sand to get to this algae. Any Idea? Could my DSB be dead...
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    A bad protein skimmer

    Berlin classic by RedSea. $149 shipped. Do a search on Yahoo. But I've heard good things about the Prizm. $69. TTFN
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    I set my AC at 78. My tank temps go from 79.5 to 82 with the lights on and in the middle of the day. I'm in ST. Louis and the temp here has been in the middle 80's all of April. The first hot day we had my AC was off and the tank temp got to 85.6. Sence then the AC has been on auto. It seems to...
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    If money is no object, what is perfect setup?

    200 + gal tank inlaid into my wall with a sump that sits in my basement. No mess or noise upstairs. Just the gorgeous reef tank. Or if you're going to dream, Mr.4000 has the right idea. A 4000 gal. tank that's big enough that I can scuba in it. Now thats the #!%$. YES? I can only dream. TTFN
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    Buying a RO/DI unit tomarrow Whats the best one out

    Thanks, I was looking at the kent maxxima hi-s. The only time I'll be using it is on the weekends when I'm home. I just need to fill 15 gal a week. I should be able to knock that out in two days with a 36gpd filter. I really like the price of $191. How often do you have to change the filters and...
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    favorite fish food

    I use frozen brine. I used to use a multi mix food but my clowns would pick out the brine and the rest would fall to the floor. My cleaner shrimp and coral band shrimp love the brine. They climb to the top of the rock at feeding time and when the dropper goes in the water they grab it and hang...