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  1. mtbikedr

    Tube Worm Health

    My pencil urchin had never touched any of my dusters until I placed a very cool purple duster that had grown in my refugium!!! I watched the duster grow for about a month, and right after I brought it up to my main tank the urchin plowed over it and it was never seen again!!
  2. mtbikedr

    New Lighting Questions

    JDM, Tried your approach, and temp was still high, got up to 85 degrees, I am going to cut back on the MH by 1 hour today, and think about drilling some new vent holes or installing a new blower fan. I am currently using my computer fans to blow the hot air out of the hood, someone mentioned...
  3. mtbikedr

    New Lighting Questions

    Thanks, I do suspect that I do overdo the lights, but the tank is in my living room, an dall the time with darkness will take the display away from things, does leaving the actinics on longer make any sense?
  4. mtbikedr

    New Lighting Questions

    I have just built a new lighting system. I have a 90 gallon reef tank. Here is my new lighting system. I have two 250w MH lights using 10K Ushio bulbs. I am also using 4 65 W actinics and moon lights. I am looking for some suggestions for how I should run my lights to maximize the growth of...
  5. mtbikedr

    I Want to Upgrade My Lighting

    Viper, Thanks for the quick reply, that is pretty much what I was thinking about, and with everything I read it got more and more confusing!! Any recomendations on bulbs? Mike
  6. mtbikedr

    I Want to Upgrade My Lighting

    OK, I am about to take the big step and upgrade my lighting. I currently have 65 watt power compact lighting and the more that I read the more i get confused!!! I have access to a full woodworking shop, and cabinet making tools, so I would like to maks a custom lighting enclosure. I have a 90...
  7. mtbikedr

    HELP! I have to sell my tank

    By the way, I'd also take tank inhabitants if you decide to break it up!!
  8. mtbikedr

    HELP! I have to sell my tank

    HI, I'd Love to buy your lights!! Contact me at I would do pick up. Mike K
  9. mtbikedr

    any NJ/NY reefers?

    I am in Northern NJ, Wayne, to be exact, I'd love to get to a meeting.
  10. mtbikedr

    Hammer Coral

    I think it's a good price, the piece I have in this picture was a steal!!! I paid only $39.00 for it and it is huge!! When it's open it's about 6 inches across.
  11. mtbikedr

    Starting a Nanocube

    Hello All, I have just ordered a 12 gal Nanocube for my 11 y.o. daughter. She wanted to start her own reef and I got one on ----, but it arrived shattered!! I did salvage the live sand, power head, light, and all the supplies that the seller had included, so this turned out to be a profit...
  12. mtbikedr

    Green Mandarin

    Here's one last one, sorry for the poor quality.
  13. mtbikedr

    Green Mandarin

    Here's a better pic.
  14. mtbikedr

    Green Mandarin

    I have to agree that the Mandarin is a very cool fish (VCF) and I have waited about 9 months to add one to my reef. My fuge is cooking up all sorts of stuff, and I thought it was time to add one. My daughters picked this beauty out.
  15. mtbikedr

    Can Anyone ID This Coral?

    Hey all, thank you for your replys. I was at the LFS where I bought the coral, and they told me it was Merilina. It's growing very well, and looks cool.
  16. mtbikedr

    Tubastraea Problems..

    Here's my second, the little guy that stays open all the time!
  17. mtbikedr

    Tubastraea Problems..

    My tubestra stayed closed for a bit when I put it into my tank, but now it opens most anytime I agitate the water. I have two, one small one that stays open frequently, and has not sprouted too many new polyps, and a second much much bigger colony that doesn't open as frequently, but is growing...
  18. mtbikedr

    Mandarin and Scallop

    I've had a flame scallop in my tank for about 6 months, and it seems to be doing very well, it's even beginning to grow a feather duster on its shell!
  19. mtbikedr


    Thanks Xabam, when I got the big one, it stayed closed for 4 or 5 days. I put all srts of food in front of it and it eventually opened. Now it opens whenever I stir the tank. I am also getting new tubes to grow.
  20. mtbikedr

    New Maroon

    Would adding another maroon to possibly host in one of the other anemones would help? I have had all three in this tank for about 4 months, and up until last week I had a Saebe clown in them. The Maroon rplaced her. I could add another Maroon.