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  1. sleeri

    Clam Question

    A Squamosa would probably do fine. They've got a brown mantle, which means they require less light. The only draw back is that they grow real fast. I've got a thriving Squamosa at the bottom of my 55G (216 T5 watts). I've had it for over a year now.
  2. sleeri

    Carbon media?

    I run carbon 24/7. I've never had any issues. I used to run it on the water entering my sump. I quit doing that becuase I felt it was trapping too much detrius. I now put it in a filter sock and set it in a high flow area in my sump. It's sometimes difficult to tell when carbon isn't...
  3. sleeri

    sps under vho's???

    I've got some monti cap under T5 lights. It really doesn't show great color. It was a nice blood red when I got it. Now it looks a bit washed out. It still grows fine, but without the color it's just not as exciting. I've got mine about 8 inches from the lights. I'm guessing VHO would...
  4. sleeri

    Carbon media?

    ESV makes a good carbon.
  5. sleeri

    algae outbreak

    Do you use RO/DI water? If so, how long have you had the unit? Maybe the filters need to be changed.
  6. sleeri

    sand bed problems

    I'm sure you've already heard this advice, but I'd focus my efforts on water quality if I were in your position. Adding a cleanup crew is a decent idea, but it only takes care of the symptoms, not the actual "sickness." You need to ask some of the fundemental questions like... what's my...
  7. sleeri

    Green Star Polyp not spreading

    Thanks for the help TheGrog. I drip kalk. The last time I tested calc was at 420-430. I thought calc wasn't as critical for softies? I may have to look into the water current suggestion. Although, I think I'll give it another month or so before I start tinkering.
  8. sleeri

    Green Star Polyp not spreading

    I've had a medium sized rock full of green star polyps for about 3 months now. The polyps are doing great. They're full & vibrant, but they aren't spreading. Does anything in particular prohibit their ability to spread (or encourage it)? I currently don't dose iodine. Does/could this play a...
  9. sleeri

    If you have a Red Bali Star (Fromia)...

    I didn't have mine a year, but it did make it to about 6 months. It was doing great for about 5 months and then it just started to "fall apart." They are a beautiful star, but I'd recommed alot of research/planning before you purchase one of them. I have a stable/matured 55 reef tank with...
  10. sleeri

    What kind of Nudibranch?

    They could be black limpets. I've got one that came with some LR I bought about a year ago.
  11. sleeri

    help, hair and bubble algae problem

    Just an FYI on the testing. Don't be suprised if you run some tests and find that your parameters are normal. During an outbreak the algae can comsume the "problem" nutirents so fast that the tests may not be able to indentify the problem.
  12. sleeri

    starting over with reef

    arkey.d what's the flow rate of your powerheads? I've got a 55 gal and I've been thinking about adding a 3rd power head as well.
  13. sleeri

    brown muck on sand

    I'm not sure about the Nass. snail solution. I've got around 10 of them in a 55 and they've never helped to significantly reduce algae growing on the sand. They'll stir up the bottom a bit, but they don't consume the algae. They feed on decaying bits of food and other things of that nature...
  14. sleeri

    Calcium level help

    Could someone please explain the baking soda bit? I'd like to know why it's needed and how you add it? Just curious.
  15. sleeri

    how many gallon refugium?

    Sounds like a good plan. Just one thing. I would try to use only one return pump for both your sump and fuge. Mulitple pumps just means you have one more pump that could fail and create serious spill-over problems. Simply put, link the fuge & sump together if at all possible. In my setup, I...
  16. sleeri

    how many gallon refugium?

    I think it's a good size for your 55, but the 10 would work as well. Are putting together a sump?
  17. sleeri

    how many gallon refugium?

    Bang Guy is 100% correct about the pods. I've got tons of them in the 20 gal. The same would be true of the 10 I'm sure.
  18. sleeri

    how many gallon refugium?

    I use a 20 gallon recycling bin. It's filled with 15 gallons of water. Keep in mind that a 10 gal fuge should only have about 6-7 gallons (or something close to that) of water in it. You need to leave some excess capacity in case your plumbing malfunctions. This setup has worked great for me...
  19. sleeri

    What Kind of RODI unit do you have?

    "Have the gall"... I'm only sharing an opinion, not a law. It's what I think to be the best approach to creating a healthy, stable enviorment for our fish. The fact that you put a Seaclone100 on a 90 gallon tank, which as you put it, "some would decribe as overstocked," is rather troubling...
  20. sleeri

    Brittle Star?

    Friction32, you just touched on my only real "complaint" with the brittle star... they rarely come out when the lights are on.