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  1. ettienem

    long tenticle anemone

    Hi I have 2 anemone in my 50gal tank. A green bubble anemone doing very well and in there for about a year. He is gorgeous loves the lights and grows pretty well. He also eats well. and my 2 perc's love him. Then I bought a LTA about 2 months ago. He confuses me.When the lights are on he looks...
  2. ettienem

    anemone needs help

    Since moving 2 months ago my anemone has not opened to its normal size again. He used to be about 4" wide when open and now hardly opens 2". Nitrate 0 nitrite 0 ammonia 0 ph 8.5. I took as much care as possible when i moved him and it took only 4 hrs from the old house to the new one. he still...
  3. ettienem

    quarantine tank

    Does a qt have to have the same filters as a show tank or can you just set it up with a hang on filter. How long should you quarantine your new fish
  4. ettienem

    just discovered white spot

    how do I treat the ich now. Because I want to turn the tank into a reef tank I know I cant use copper. Any sugestions.
  5. ettienem

    just discovered white spot

    more pics
  6. ettienem

    just discovered white spot

    I have only got a clown fish, Butterfly and two chromis. There is lots of space for a ll of them, and the tangs do not look stressed. They are also eating well
  7. ettienem

    just discovered white spot

  8. ettienem

    just discovered white spot

    These are some pics of my tank 4 months down the line, byt as I took these pics I discovered white spot on the Butterfly and the two surgeon fish. My other fis are fine. Please give me any advice. This is the first problem I am encountering and I have not lost a fish yet. These fish are my...
  9. ettienem

    coralbanded buterfly

    Hi all. glad to report cycle has completed about 6 weeks ago and I have a clown, to coral banded shrimps(not fighting with each other) a cleaner shrimp, to blue chromis, 3 hermit crabs and a coral banded butterfly fish. Al is alive and well. Ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10ppm. Every thing is...
  10. ettienem

    Please ID

    Thanx for the compliment. I got the LR from an internet site called Guppies4yuppies in South-Africa where I stay. It was very difficult to get some because it is illegal to take the kind of rocks that we want from our coats line. I think they import it from some where around Kenia or Tanzania...
  11. ettienem

    Distilled water?

    :mad: Wow. It sure is hot in here
  12. ettienem

    Please ID

    Just a pic of my tank. I am about 4 weeks into the cycle. Any comments. PS This is my first attempt.
  13. ettienem

    Please ID

    this is a different one. it is bigger but much flatter with more tentackles
  14. ettienem

    Please ID

    lets try again
  15. ettienem

    Please ID

    these litlle orange things came with my LR. They look like minature orange anemone's but have fewer tentackle's. I have look in all the books i could find but no luck.
  16. ettienem


    Thanx. luckily the snails are not in yet. I am just extremely tired of waiting. Its been 4 long weeks. So basically the tank will go through a mini cycle again?
  17. ettienem


    Can adding more live rock to my tank cause the ammonia to go up. The ammonia levels was zero and a day after i added more live rock the level has gone to 0.08 mg/l. Can turbo snails survive in these levels, because I have some serious diatoms growing in the tank.
  18. ettienem


    Thanx. It makes a litlle bit more sense. If anybody could post a pic of one it would be a great help. I have been to many FS and no one has them so I have to build my own.
  19. ettienem


    I don't mean to sound stupid, but how exactly does a hang on/external overflow work.
  20. ettienem

    natural sunlight

    I am still researching before i start me reef tank. This forum is a huge help and inspiration when i see all the pics you have posted. My next question. If my tank gets direct sunlight most part of the day, do i still need all the lights like metal halides etc. This is a list of equipment that...