Search results

  1. smshep01

    clen up crew???????

    A clean up crew consists of snails, crabs, and shrimp. Mostly in the invertabrate family. These guys will take care of algae, excess food, detris, etc. in your tank. They are a load of fun to watch. I get more of a kick watching my crabs and shrimp move around than I do the fish lol. Salt...
  2. smshep01

    do snails hump like crazy?

    I have had my tank up for over a year now. I can honestly say that in my instance...They have humped like crazy apparently. lol I have more baby snails than I know what to do with. They are all over my LR, LS, glass and everywhere lol. They are no bigger than a dull pencil tip, but they are...
  3. smshep01

    green hair algae problem

    HELP!!!!!! :help: I have a 29 gal tank with 35-40 lbs LR and 30 lbs LS. Tank has been up for over a year. I have a clown, chromis, gramma, lawnmower blenny, 4 striped damsel. I have about a dozen and a half crabs, 1 emerald, 12 or so large turbo snails, and a gazillion baby snails lol...
  4. smshep01

    white stuff on my rocks?

    How long has the tank been going? Do you have substrate and what kind is it? They could possibly be copapods or calcium deposits. Could be something else as well, but that's a start. Im sure others may have suggestions of what they are. Hope that helps some. Sheppie
  5. smshep01


    Hello there and welcome the the forum. This is what my understanding is to any of the LFS or SWF. You are correct in saying that the tsumani has had an imact on the selling of fishys. Also, the time of year (being winter and all) also has an effect on the getting stock in. I have talked to a...
  6. smshep01

    Im setting up my first salt water aquarium. I need some help

    Hello there and welcome to the forum. Here are some tips on getting your new 20 gal tank up and running. First off... you need LOTS and LOTS of patience in starting a tank up. This is crucial. Most people set up their tanks and withing a few days, they are adding fish and inverts, before the...
  7. smshep01

    1 Damsel dead, another popeye

    Hello there and welcome to the forum. IMO, I would not put any of the fish in your new tank back into your established one. If one of them has or had popeye and/or ich, chances are the others may have it too, even if they are not showing any signs of it. Your best bet is to quarantine all of...
  8. smshep01

    Red Slime Problem

    I am running a maxi jet 900 in the left corner and have it angled in an upward direction to the other corner. Also, I have flow from the Aqua Clear 200 filter, and Seaclone Protein Skimmer. So, I am not sure that water flow is an issue here. It is only a 29 gal tank. Not real big. I checked...
  9. smshep01

    Red Slime Problem

    Does anyone know what causes red slime to grow on your LR and LS? I have a 29 gal tank with 3" LS, 45 lbs LR, half dozen crabs and snails, 4 small fish (clown, chromis, damsel, gramma). I am running a Aqua Clear 200 filter, SeaClone 50 Protien Skimmer. Water temp. 78 Deg., SG 1.024...
  10. smshep01

    Red Slime Problem

    I clicked on that link and it tells me cannot find server. Can you please try to post that link again. Thanks so much.
  11. smshep01

    Red Slime Problem

    Hello everyone. It's been a while since I have visited this website. I have a Red Slime problem. I have treated it with Red Slime Remover many times, but it comes back within 2 weeks or less. I have a 29 gal tank with FOWLR and LS. I have a 2-3 inch base of fine LS, and about 40 lbs of LR...
  12. smshep01

    Mandrian Dragonet Question

    I have done some research and read that they may take to live brine shrimp as an alternative. Is this true? Sheppie
  13. smshep01

    Mandrian Dragonet Question

    I have a 29 gal tank that has been set up for over 7 months. I see a lot of activity with copepods in my LR. I have about 15 lbs of LS with a 2" layer of regular sand underneath (totaling about 3-4" of substrate) and 45 lbs of LR. Currently, I have 1 clownfish, 1 blue damsel, 1 green chromis...
  14. smshep01

    phosphate remover during cycle

    Honestly, IMO I would not touch anything while your tank is cycling. That is what a cycle is basically for. Your levels will go up and down. This is normal. My tank cycled for over 3 weeks before all of the levels went down to 0. As far as phosphates are concerned. I would definately buy...
  15. smshep01

    Sea Horse ??

    My wife has been bugging me about possibly doing another fish tank strictly for seahorses. I just got my 29 Gal started up Monday so it hasn't even cycled yet, but was wondering, would a 5 or 10 Gal tank be too small for a few seahorses (like 1-4 depending on tank size of course)? Also, what...
  16. smshep01

    ??? on Percula Clown's

    I have read and been told that when you buy a Percula Clown you should do so in pairs. Can you get away with just one in your tank or should you really have 2 so they don't get so lonely and stressed?
  17. smshep01

    Is there an ideal water temperature

    Well mine is a 29 Gal and I just started it on Monday so I am learning as well and spent all day in here getting advice from others lol. It's a good place to learn, even if everyone has a different opionion on something, you can still get good advice. Wish you the best of luck!
  18. smshep01

    Protien Skimmers ??

    Ok I will make sure to do that. Thanks Sheppie
  19. smshep01

    Protien Skimmers ??

    Ok once I get the skimmer, will I need to cycle that into the tank before adding anything living besides LR and LS?
  20. smshep01

    Is there an ideal water temperature

    Before I go any farther, I am a newbie as well...I have done a lot of research and asked a lot of quesitons on here and this is the answer many other helpful people gave me. The water temp needs to be 76-82 F depending on what live stock you have in your tank (been told 82 F is a little on the...