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  1. otfurball

    metronidazole for HLLE?

    Has anyone heard of this? I am not one for medicating tanks but this stuff is new to me and thought it might be a new treatment. hikari metro plus is one product and seachem metronidazole is another. both are claiming to be a treatment for HLLE which I have going on in my tank. thanks.
  2. otfurball

    Anyone know what this is?

    sorry for my delayed response - crazy weekend. that photo is not altered in anyway that is for real. PH8.2 Nitrite 0 Nitrate .5 Amonia 0 sal - 1.025 I have a grounding probe/UV sterilizer/Skimmer this tank is 6 years old I have a powder blue - obviously (I've had him for a year) lemon peel angel...
  3. otfurball

    Anyone know what this is?

    thanka bunch for the link. I am not 100% sure it is HLLE. He does not have the line, just the head part. HLLE is impossible to cure....I've heard, so I am hoping for a different opinion.
  4. otfurball

    Anyone know what this is?

    yes I do garlic, chempure vitamin and on occaisionally selcon.
  5. otfurball

    Anyone know what this is?

    it should work now. I changed my settings. thanks for looking
  6. otfurball

    Anyone know what this is?

    Sorry, trying to upload a picture and it is not working. please have a look if you have some time.
  7. otfurball

    Anyone know what this is?

    powder blue tang is the only one in the tank with this. I thought it might b HLLE but I am not convinced. he has had it for a while and seems to be eating fine and is not being picked on.
  8. otfurball

    Powder Blue Tang

    petjunkie, regarding the cleaner wrasse, I have had one for four years with no issue. I am also not about to pull a fish from my display for QT when I see only a dot or two - talk about fish stress. Also, I don't dose the tank every time I see a dot or two. Powder blue tangs get ich. you...
  9. otfurball

    help - used freshwater PH up

    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their late night advice. I got up this AM and everything was fine. PHEW. I don't think separating the bottles was my problem. I actually walked over to my african chichlid tank and took out the freshwater PH up bottle - DUH. the salk water PH stuff...
  10. otfurball

    Powder Blue Tang

    I have had one for about 2 months. They are very ich prone but it is controllable. If you have an established tank (mine is 5 years old) and keep a good sterilzer on the tank, the ich will come and go without hitting your whole tank. The ich will cycle on and off the fish in small bits. I try...
  11. otfurball

    Bad Bad news

    Oh man that stinks. sorry to hear. I have RO water delivered to my house. It is about $5 for a 5g jug. totally worth it and it tastes good too.
  12. otfurball

    help - used freshwater PH up

    I did use the full dosage amount - the tank is 72 gallons.
  13. otfurball

    help - used freshwater PH up

    thing is I just did a 25% water change and I don't want to do another right now. that would be waaaay too much stress. I do have a skimmer.
  14. otfurball

    help - used freshwater PH up

    I am really in panic mode - I just grabbed the wrong bottle b/c I was also working on my african tank. what do you think it could do?
  15. otfurball

    help - used freshwater PH up

    someone help - I did a water change and accidentally put freshwater PH up in my salt tank. Will this kill fish? I am pregnant and did something stupid. please helpp.,
  16. otfurball

    PH @ 8.8 Will this kill?

    no problem, I am just frustrated. I have not had issues at all in over 2 years. then ich rears its ugly head and I am in a bad way. If anyone out there is a therapist for neurotic fishkeepers - give me a shout
  17. otfurball

    PH @ 8.8 Will this kill?

    regarding the fish burning comment, This is for inverts not fish.
  18. otfurball

    PH @ 8.8 Will this kill?

    this is in a brand new tank that I set up for QT for my inverts. Now sure why it is so high - I have ick in my big tank and the fish are too big for the QT. I need to use copper b/c nothing else is working. How can I lower the PH? Should I take water from the show tank? I worry that I will...
  19. otfurball

    PH @ 8.8 Will this kill?

    my inverts? all other levels are at zero - this is for a QT for my inverts. salinity 1.022 temp 79 I do have another thread on this with one one response. Iam sorry to double post, I just need to get this questions answered. Quickly as I am in the middle of moving eveything around.
  20. otfurball

    setting up QT tank - help please

    Thanks, but I can't hypo my tank. the fish are too big for my qt. I am looking to lower the ph in the QT bc this is the opition I have right now. Any other suggestions?