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  1. jimnlee

    Cheato for trade

    Hi, are you willing to ship? If so, how much to 55376? Thanks, Jim
  2. jimnlee

    Xenia problem and I am willing to trade it off for some thing i don't have

    Hello to anyone with unwanted Xenia. I would really like to get my hands on some...especially some puslating Xenia. None of my LFSs in the area seem to carry it. I don't have anything to trade though, unless you'd be willing to trade for somethindg other than corals. I understand from these...
  3. jimnlee

    PC lights don't work!

    Thanks BIGFISH, I really appreciate the help. When you did the replacement, was it an actual odyssea ballast, or were you able to use a different brand? I'm having trouble finding one specifically for Odyssea. Thanks again for your help.
  4. jimnlee

    PC lights don't work!

    Thanks! Do you know how hard it was to replace the ballast? Are there any tricks to it?
  5. jimnlee

    PC lights don't work!

    Help! I am not only "lighting information impaired", I'm clueless. I have an Oddysea 72' pc with 384 watts. There are 4 bulbs in the unit, 2 in each row. One of the rows quit working and when I plug in one of the bulbs from the "nonworking" row into another "working" socket, the bulb works...
  6. jimnlee

    bristle worm problem.. advice please

    I also put an arrow crab in before my sixline. He was very cool to watch, but my purple tang took him out before he did anything with my worms. I would recommend the six line.
  7. jimnlee

    bristle worm problem.. advice please

    There are a lot of people here that would recommend that you leave the bristleworms alone...they are excellent detrivores. I however, chose to get a sixline wrasse and I haven't seen any bristleworms since. The wrasse is very cool too.
  8. jimnlee

    4 wheel drive goby

    Does anyone have experience with a 4 wheel drive goby (also known as a twinspot). I have heard they don't do well unless in pairs and I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if that's true. Also, do they hide a lot or are they "sociable"? Thanks!
  9. jimnlee

    Pom Pom crab ????

    I'm no expert, but it sounds like eggs to me.
  10. jimnlee

    FS: Live Rock and skimmer

    Do you have any pics? Are you willing to split it up? I am in St. Michael MN, not too far from you I think. Thanks, Jim
  11. jimnlee

    Flame & Koran angel

    About 100 Lbs. Give or take. I also have a Purple tang that's VERY aggressive, that concerns me a little. He doesn't mess with anything small but has a real "love hate" relationship with my Foxface.
  12. jimnlee

    Flame & Koran angel

    Hi, This may be a dumb question. I have a 150 gal and currently have a juvenile Koran angel. I'm considering getting a flame angel, but I don't want to if they will fight. Does anyone know if they will? I'm hoping that since the flame angel is a dwarf, they won't have "issues" but I'd like to...
  13. jimnlee

    Anybody need caulurpa?

    Hi, How much do you have left? I'm looking for a large quantity. Please let me know and if you have a lot, how much you would like for all of it. Thanks.
  14. jimnlee

    Copper Banded Butterfly help!

    Try live brine shrimp if you can get your hands on some. Soak them in garlic and you should be good to get him started. Then introduce new items soaked in garlic. It has worked for me in the past. Good luck!
  15. jimnlee

    Sebae moving around

    I'm really not familiar with bleaching, although I have heard of it. It was not under halide at the lfs, but they had just recieved it 2 days before I bought it. The good news is that it's starting to reinflate and looking pretty good, although he is still hidden under a rock?!?!?
  16. jimnlee

    Sebae moving around

    Thanks Thomas. My water parameters are all good and tank has been up for 9 months. I don't have halides, but I've got pc...400 watts on 150 gallon.
  17. jimnlee

    Sebae moving around

    I hope someone can help me out. I bought a very nice sebae anenome at my lfs several days ago. Th first day in the tank it did great, fully inflated...looked very good. The next morning however, it had moved behing a bunch of lr (where no light can reach) and is now looking pretty bad...deflated...
  18. jimnlee

    Advice on live rock order

    Loretta, I sure hope this works out well for you. Please let us know because I was just about to place an order with him this week, but if he doesn't make it right with you I will go elsewhere. Good luck!
  19. jimnlee

    Emergency Power Back Up System

    I appreciate the feedback. I should have mentioned, what we're thinking about will have 1 or 2 outlets that will power a pump for somewhere between 2-5 hours. This seems to be the duration for most power outages. The price would probably be between $50 and $75. Again, none of this is set in...
  20. jimnlee

    Emergency Power Back Up System

    I have a question for you all that have posted to this thread. First let me be upfront...I AM a sales person. My company currently manufactures and sells UPS battery back ups here in the US, mainly for computer use. We have been exploring the possibility of developing a UPS for aquarium use...