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  1. dgott2000

    My Decision

    I forget the name of the plant but it is common and very easy to maintain. If your nitrates get high you'll see the plant start to grow and if the nitrates are low then it shouldn't grow much at all...either way is okay because you can always trim it back if it grows too much. The white piece...
  2. dgott2000

    My Decision

    I sent you those pics, let me know if you can't see them. I would go with a small filter or at least one that you can adjust the flow because you don't want the seahorses to get sucked into it or have to fight the current all the time. 20 pounds of live rock seems like too much to me... you'd...
  3. dgott2000

    My Decision

    Sorry the two pics I have are too large to upload...I can email them to you though, send me an email at and I'll reply with the pics -Dave
  4. dgott2000

    My Decision

    Hey I had 3 seahorses in a 10g tank for over a year and they required minimal effort on my part. As far as a cleanup crew this is what worked for me: about a dozen or so small hermits (my rule of thumb is one hermit per gallon), a few small snails (probably not all that necessary), one...
  5. dgott2000

    sand sifting animal

    certainly get a sandsifting wont see him much because he will always be burried but they do an amazing job of cleaning the sand and eating excess food/waste. they are a must for nearly any tank and they are pretty cheap.
  6. dgott2000

    Is this an insane idea?

    I read once in a fish magazine about a guy who had a continous drip water changing system that worked automatically, i think this is a great idea because rather than sudden weekly water changes, the water is constantly being changed. As far as automatic evaporation and trace element detectors...
  7. dgott2000

    New 55gal Reef Setup

    As far as skimmers are concerned, i dont think they are definitely necessary for a 55 gal reef. Often people choose to put a little skimmer in such a small tank which ends up not working very well or not working at all. I my first tank was a 55 FOWLR and i then converted it to a reef. I never...
  8. dgott2000

    urchin with feather dusters?

    just as puffers and triggers will gladly eat your urchin, feather dusters are the food of choice for several aggressive fish such as triggers but also more dosile fish such as butterlies and other fish with long snouts capable of picking feather dusters out of their tubes. I have seen clownfish...
  9. dgott2000

    Spiny Box Puffer

    I had a great spiny boxfish for about 2 months before he actually got stuck face first in the outlet part of my filter where the water is returned to the tank from the sump. He was about 3-4 inches, very curious and friendly, always a big appetite for live or frozen brine shrimp. He probably...
  10. dgott2000

    tap water w/dechlorinator okay?

  11. dgott2000

    tap water w/dechlorinator okay?

    I regularly use tap water with dechlorinator when adding water to my 55g fowlr and I was just curious if the dechlorinator really does detoxify everything or if I'd be much better off purchasing RO water from my lfs. I live in Denver where there seems to be a lot of chlorine in the tap water...
  12. dgott2000

    fish color fading

    what are you feeding it? i've heard that green veggies such as dried green seeweed can help brighten colors
  13. dgott2000

    converting fresh to saltwater

    dude that's really funny I have a 10g freshwater and a 55g marine tank and today I decided I needed to convert my 10g into a QT for a sick angelfish I have. I'm rather new at this hobby, but I'm pretty sure that the established bacteria for your freshwater tank is different from the bacteria...
  14. dgott2000

    bicolor angel cloudy eye and frayed fins

    thanks! I've havent been able to catch him because of the live rock that he likes to hide around but I'll get a second net and set up a QT asap
  15. dgott2000

    bicolor angel cloudy eye and frayed fins

    I have a 55g marine tank with a small spiny boxfish and a medium bicolor angel. One of the angel's eyes is swollen and cloudy and I noticed his fins are fraying. I asked at my LFS and was told it was a fungal infection and Myacin should be used. I put the first dose in yesterday and when I...