Search results

  1. jjbroxi

    Cloudy eye Yellow Tang

    Cheers, Where can i get aged and aeried saltwater? Or how? :thinking:
  2. jjbroxi

    Cloudy eye Yellow Tang

    :joy: Hey thats cool!! Never heard of this guy right enough! Anyway here they are Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, Salt 0.025, ph 8.2 and Ammonia 0.20, i have got a clown fish, scooter blenny a lawnmower blenny a tiger shrimp and 6 red legged crabs! live rock and three corals, and pulsating xenia!! I've...
  3. jjbroxi

    cloudy eye

    :confused: So how do you actually treat a cloudy eye? My big Yellow Tang has cloudy eye and don't know what to do?:help:
  4. jjbroxi

    What causes glass anmoneas?

    :help: What do they look like????
  5. jjbroxi

    Cloudy eye Yellow Tang

    :thinking: Could someone give advice? I think my big Yellow Tang has got cloudy eye??? I did use oodinex ages ago on some disease and it killed all my fish corals etc? Could someone one please help me as i don't want to lose it!!!:scared:
  6. jjbroxi

    I'm Sick Of Green/hair Algae!!

    :cheer: I had the very same problem, very hairy!! I bought an algae blenny and i kid you not! The problem was cleared up in 2 days!!!! They are magic!!!!:happyfish
  7. jjbroxi

    What is it?

    :notsure: Can anyone tell me what that stuff is that comes from corals? Its like a long piece of hair kind of covered in bubbles??? Thats the only way to describe it?:help:
  8. jjbroxi

    Don't know much about them?

    :confused: Whats a pod?
  9. jjbroxi

    Don't know much about them?

    :help: Does anyone know anything about Scooter Blennies? I would like one, but don't know much about them! Please help! Also while i'm here, do you have to spot feed all corals? Thanks:notsure:
  10. jjbroxi

    Help again!

    :) What do you think of the scooter blennies??
  11. jjbroxi

    Help again!

    :help: Could you tell me what is the best algae cleaner for my white sand?
  12. jjbroxi

    Help again!

    :help: What is microfauna?
  13. jjbroxi

    I need some really good advice!!!!

    Thanks but there, just seams to be hundreds!! All over the bottom of the tank!!! Is that ok?
  14. jjbroxi

    I need some really good advice!!!!

    :confused: I had some lovely white sand at the bottom of my tank when i first started out, which was around 6weeks ago now!! I did buy half a dozen wee crabs and a tiger shrimp! They are doing a great job only on the live rock though!! What can i get to clean my sand and make it white again ...
  15. jjbroxi

    Big bright green spots!!

    :help: Just wondering if anyone can help me? My tank is now just perfect it seems to have gone through its cycle! Its in its 5th week now, but i have big bright green spots appearing everywhere, its like someone has put in bright green food colouring! What is it? and also what is a good sand...
  16. jjbroxi

    Need help!!

    :rolleyes: This is me going into my 4th week, i've tested it every week! Can you add anything to the water to balance all the tests?
  17. jjbroxi

    Need help!!

    :nervous: I haven't! How long do you think the cycle will take then?
  18. jjbroxi

    Need help!!

    :thinking: What should i do now?
  19. jjbroxi

    Need help!!

    :confused: Nitrate 5.0, Nitite 0.25, Salt 0.020, ph 8.2 and my ammonia is 0.25 :happy:
  20. jjbroxi

    Need help!!

    :happy: Hello everyone! I'm looking for a wee tip, i've just started my tank about 3 weeks ago, it's getting there but i've got a wee problem! I've got white sand at the bottom and want to know how to keep it white if i can? I put in a piece of live orange coral, and i think maybe its that...