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  1. comet_nut

    How to file teeth

    there is stacks of life rock in tank, the only thing he eats of it is the algae! Its funny he is fanatical about the length of the algae. He will let in grow to about 0.5inch and then trim it. Talk about a house proud fish.. or should that be tank proud??
  2. comet_nut

    Poor Flame died

    It depends where the angels are caught. Many LFS stores will only sell hand caught fish. Generally if they come from around hawii they are ok. Anything caught in the Phillipenes is almost aways caught with cynide
  3. comet_nut

    Funny clowns

    My maroons will attack anyone that puts their hand in the tank... as soon as I put my hand in they will follow my arm but they don't bite. Explain that one! The percs, being as cute as they are (they're only tiny), are rather daft in comparison.
  4. comet_nut

    How to file teeth

    Im looking for a way to get my undualte to file his teeth down. Have tried with live ghost shrimp, crabs and prawn and this fish still has teeth problems!! They are not yet a real problem but I'd aappreciate some info
  5. comet_nut

    Panther grouper + zoos + xenia?

    Its not so much that the grouper will hassle the corals but they are big fish and they eat EVERYTHING!! I babysat a fully grown grouper and its not that they destroy corals but they don't realise their own size and this fish would reguarly cause minor rockslides as it went in and out of the...
  6. comet_nut

    Bluespot Butterfly dead after 2 days

    Im at a total loss about this. I bought a bluespot butterfly two days ago, about 4inch big. I acclimatised it over an hour and it seemed to settle in quickly. I kept the white light off as a precaution and just left the blue light on. It seemed happy for the first few hours, swimming around the...
  7. comet_nut

    catching damsels

    Have you tried using a fish trap of any sort? If you want a cheap one, cut the top quarter off a coke bottle and then sticky tape ot back on, on one side, put some live brine shrimp in the other end of the bottle and when the damsels swim into the bottle close the whole thing and your done...
  8. comet_nut

    Undulated Trigger

    Your forgetting the rule of quality not quanity of fish here guys! My trigger, affectionately known as "Undies" is the best fish I have ever owned! He is a tank by himself and always/will be. Despite the fact that I can't furhter utilize the tank he has more personality and intelligence than a...
  9. comet_nut

    catching damsels

    Seriously catching damsels is not that hard.. unless they are diseased save the trouble and just catch them and tank them back to your lfs. You have to think that there are a number of other fish that could eat them for you, but then you are going to be left with a cranky fish (i.e. undualte...
  10. comet_nut

    Who has a quirky fish?

    I am new to the fun and games of triggers but I confess my undualte has turned me into a complete convert! I have had him now for about three months and his range of behaviours are amusing to say the least. His biggest pet hate is to have the sand flat and level in his tank, the sand HAS top be...
  11. comet_nut

    please help, about to put comet grouper down

    Here is the link to the other thread that I had. Unfortunately I have already put him down, he was just gettign so weak and was refusing to eat, I thought it best for his sake. I would still be interested in knowing what actually killed...
  12. comet_nut

    please help, about to put comet grouper down

    Could someome please offer me some last minute advice. My beloved comet grouper who I have had for the past three years I thingk is suffering from a terminal form of fungus disease. I put up a post under the thread name of "Betta with white lumps" with some photos of when he was very sick and no...
  13. comet_nut

    Betta with white lumps on gills

    here is another photo just for the sake of help
  14. comet_nut

    Betta with white lumps on gills

    Can someone please give me some advice on this I am getting somewhat stumped. My comet grouer has got whitish lumps forming around his gills (see pic attached). About three weeks ago he seemed to have some sort of lesion around his head and so I treated the tank for twop weeks with Myxazin and...
  15. comet_nut

    sick comet

    The ammonia has been at .25 for the last six months. I really dont think the tank is overloaded, its a 200G tank with copious amounts of live rock, so Im confused about why its there, but it hasn't seem to make any difference to my fish. I don't think he is subject to abuse. He is king of the...
  16. comet_nut

    sick comet

    This has got to be the oddest disease that I have seen in my comet grouper. He was hidsing for about 5 days and then I saw him yesterday and shocked. Between his eyes and the top fin he has lost all his scales and it looks as if my hermit crabs had been eating away at where his brain would have...
  17. comet_nut

    funny fish story

    Now comes the fun of restocking.... There is an undulate for sale at the local LFS.. Im ao tempted to get it. Realistically could you keep an undulate with a damsel, flame hawk and comet grouper>
  18. comet_nut

    funny fish story

    Just thought you someone might get a chuckle out of this. Earlier this week I came back from holdiay only to find that my tank has developed a very bad case of itch. My folks has been looking after the tank and hadn't noticed that anything was amiss aside from my tang being an "odd colour"...
  19. comet_nut

    copperbanded butterfly v other butterfly

    Just wondering if anyone can give me some advice on this issue. I cuurently have a 60 gal tank with oodles of Live Rock and sand etc. The last peice of rock that I bought had a few pest anenomes on them... you guessed it.. theyhave spread like wild fire. I have been told that a cooperbanded...
  20. comet_nut

    new clam

    Came home from work today and there was a new addition to my tank. My boyfriend has generously added a clam to my tank. The only problem is I have no idea what or how to feed it. Its in a 55 with a flame hawk, damsel, sixline and comet grouper. Do I place it on the sand or in rock? Any help...