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  1. serg141

    New Guy asking for Help with putting together a Shark Tank.

    Ok, let me work on what type of shark do I want. I would like an aggressive looking one...Any suggestion? Once we figure out which one, we'll decide on the tank....
  2. serg141

    New Guy asking for Help with putting together a Shark Tank.

    Can anyone post some pic of their shark, tank, and equipment....Thanks
  3. serg141

    New Guy asking for Help with putting together a Shark Tank.

    Can someone educate me about sharks electroreceptors....What is it and why must we monitor and how?
  4. serg141

    New Guy asking for Help with putting together a Shark Tank.

    What type of filtration do you recommend, let's say i get a 300 gal tank. BTW, does anyone know the dimension of a 300 gal tank?
  5. serg141

    New Guy asking for Help with putting together a Shark Tank.

    Send the web site......Thanks
  6. serg141

    New Guy asking for Help with putting together a Shark Tank.

    Thanks guys for the quick response. What type of filtration do you recommend?
  7. serg141

    New Guy asking for Help with putting together a Shark Tank.

    I would love to have a shark tank. I have review several post and I notice a lot of difference between a shark tank and a reef tank...Beside the obvious, can anyone advise me on minimum size, filtration, lr, sump, lighting, etc..Recommend a nice looking shark, Can you put anything else in the...
  8. serg141

    Refugium lighting question

    Could I get a red slime outbreak in my refugium and not my main tank....Cause that's what I think is starting to happen to my refugium.
  9. serg141

    Refugium lighting question

    All the beneficial things it suppose to do, ie lower nitrates, better water quality, etc.....
  10. serg141

    Refugium lighting question

    I have read several postings about light timing for refugiums. I read "light opposite to the main" I've read "light 24 x 7". Which is better? And why? I have 120 gal main tank and CPR 18" HOB refugium. :notsure:
  11. serg141

    Vanishing Algae in Fuge

    good question....
  12. serg141

    Look At My Algae Problem

    Your Ph is a little low. You could buy a buffer, that will raise your PH. Now to answer your question on how to test your phosphate, I use a test kit made by Aquarim Pharmaceuticals. Its easy to use and it cost about $10.00. I am also currently fighting an algea bloom. My bloom was caused from...
  13. serg141

    Look At My Algae Problem

    What are your water readings? especially the phosphates and Nitrates. Actually all of them would helps us understand what might be going on.
  14. serg141

    RO unit..To drink or not to drink? That is the question

    OK, with that said....there is a difference between units then....not all RO unit is a RO/DI? Because I'm trying to figure out if my unit is a RO/DI. I read the box and it doesn't mention anything about DI.......
  15. serg141

    RO unit..To drink or not to drink? That is the question

    I recently purchased a PURE-FLO II Premium TFC Reverse Osmosis Water Purication System by Coralife. My question is this; Can I drink the water it makes, safely? I have been told that I cannot. If that is so, why? Isn't it cleaner water?:notsure: Sergio
  16. serg141

    new member- i have no idea what im doing :-P

    Another book with good information is called "Salt water aquarims for dummies".
  17. serg141

    Aeration In The Tank

    I recently posted a similiar question. I was told that a good water movement should be 10 - 15 times per tank size. I hope I explained that correctly. (I.E. if you have a 50 gal tank, your total gph should be between 500- 750)
  18. serg141

    I have this type of lighting. What does it mean?

    I think they are White Sebae Anemone. Jew, So you could upgrade by buying a bulb with higher wattage? LFS told me I had to buy a whole new pc lighting.
  19. serg141

    I have this type of lighting. What does it mean?

    I had have the PC Orbit. Its the pretty cool one, with the 24 hour lighting system. I know cool doesn't mean anything anymore, but the bulbs say 65watts on it. there is 4-double bulbs. So does that me I have 4x65 which equals 260. I do have two anemones in the tank already and I've had them in...
  20. serg141

    I have this type of lighting. What does it mean?

    sorry not a 96 watt. I have a 65 watt one. You see I am clueless. LOL:notsure: