Search results

  1. oozy

    38g fish tank in apartment

    fish are kind of in the same category as house plants. what landlords are saying NO to is animals that will destroy his property, like poo on the rug. torn up carpet, bites on the corner of the wall, or nucence noise like excessive barking or if they die, wont stink....those things Effictivaly...
  2. oozy

    Coke or Pepsi?

    coke in a can pepsi in a bottle
  3. oozy

    Most expensive LFS buys

    I saw recently a 2' Hawiian Dragon Eel for around $1,200. which i guess isnt that outragous, but its the most expensive animal ive seen the most outragously priced... $3.25 for a strand of Calurpa -Oozy-
  4. oozy

    what tank size for a whale?

    Ive got 2 breeding whales in my 20 gal tank with 5 moorish idols who also breed, and a peacefull clown trigger who enjoys frequenting the shrimp cleaning station, oh and my seahorses gotta love those weedy sea dragons!!! in theroy most things are possible...but it doesnt make them right...
  5. oozy

    firegoby fighting

    i have two fire gobys, they were getting alonge just fine untill one day the orrigional goby atarted hiding for about 2 days. finaly i found him, and he had his fins all freyed. I thought it was fin rot, but later i noticed the new guy attacking him. so, this leads to my question. I thought...
  6. oozy

    fin rot need help

    ok, I lured him out with my homemade seafood/garlic mixture. It appears that hes healing, BUT i have identifyed the source of the probelm. The new fire goby is harrassing the established goby. At first they schooled and were buds, now appears there is territorial disputes.... I am going to...
  7. oozy

    fin rot need help

    ill try to get a picture, but the fin (pectorial) is hard enough to see in person, he's got some fraying of the back fin im sure i can get a pic of that...if he comes out of hiding. thanks Beth! also: does fin rot spread? & why the hiding?
  8. oozy

    fin rot need help

    hello, Ive got a fire goby that has been hiding for 2 days, it appears that he has fin rot. recent additions... 1fire goby 3green chromis 1green chromis MIA 1green chromis dead :mad: as of now live stock are... vagabond butterfly 2 clowns 2 firegoby 1green chromis the last chromis is not...
  9. oozy

    How do I lower my Ph? It is really high!

    You may want to just do a 25% water change... that usualy does the trick... as far as adding vinigar and baking soda... it seems like an unnessary risk... -oozy-
  10. oozy

    Disappearing Fish Act

    firefish can be very shy when first introduced... they need to have a hole to sleep in, some times it takes a while before they move in, and get to know all the paths home, as they tend to dart into the hole when spooked... -oozy-
  11. oozy

    Yellow tang and clownfish drawing I did

    Nice drawings everyone! for fish I would take a picture and then use the image to draw from, other wise the little critters move all over and its hard to get a good proportions... keep them comming!!! -Oozy-
  12. oozy

    Yellow tang and clownfish drawing I did

    Ill contribute, this is the first page of my travel journal to belize, study abroad...for coral reef restoration rehabilation...... :happyfish
  13. oozy

    cleaner shrimp eggs

    well, its been quite some time, and i still have quite a few little swimmers when i check at night. I havnt done a thing, and it seems to be working :notsure: well, ill let you guys know if i see them mature; at wich point ill remove them so they dont become lunch for my butterfly.... -Oozy-
  14. oozy

    tap water vs distilled water

    I have used tap water that i leave out for 24 hours so the clorine evaporates. Never had any problems I had a 20g Reef tank w/ hard and soft corals, inverts and fish for 2+years (untill i moved) now i have a 45 fowlr it really depends on your local water supply. mine is fine, so make your own...
  15. oozy

    Inducing Corraline Growth

    The best way to help your coraline grow, is your lights + keeping your calcium~400 I use B-ionic, i have some tuffa rock that i have used as "base rock" I can no longer tell the difference...well ok I can, but anyone else looking at my tank would not be able to... its been about 4 months and ~...
  16. oozy

    Missing Royal Gramma

    hehehe, sometimes i get paranoid when i dont see my fish for a day or two, even when feeding, ill check behind the tank, on the floor, and anywhere within jumping distance...just when i give up out pops the missing fish! :happyfish -oozy-
  17. oozy


    hi, I have used Natures Ocean for several of my tanks. Here is the deal with it. No matter what your tank must cycle, via LR, or dead shrinp method...ect. You may add Natures ocean when ever you want and it will not cause your tank to "recycle" as opposed to adding more LR of LS which may have...
  18. oozy

    can you guess what my name is

    Rumpelstilskin -oozy-
  19. oozy

    whats your favorite color

    no color in particular, I lean toward earth tones as they have a ceritan "feel" to them. I used to like Black, then blue, and now varius shades of grey -oozy-
  20. oozy

    Which Water for Your Reef?

    Ive always used tap. never any other source. (not by choice but thats what i have) its never been a problem, except that maybe i run my lights a shorter amount of time than people who use ro/di.... humm thats a usefull experiment for someone to run. -oozy-