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  1. vs

    Does anyone know Kim Bui?

    you are right, i am a scammer. one thing you need to know about. This email account and the and the paypal account had all been hacked. Yep, that means I am not even kim bui. I don't even know who kim bui is. I hacked into so many people's account because i...
  2. vs

    ?about clown and anemenes

    hey i just ordered 1 Atlantic Carpet Anemone and 3 Florida Condi Anemone. i heard that clown wont do well with Florida Condi Anemone? what is your opinion on these anemones, please help me, i need as much info on them as i can get thanks
  3. vs

    Extra Extra

    please email me. and btw banguy, my paypal is verified, what is wrong with you?
  4. vs

    powerheads questions??

    ok thanks!
  5. vs

    powerheads questions??

    hey i have a max jets 1200, i have three. i put one on top, one in the middle, and one on bottom. is that normal to control the wave? i also have this knob, when you turn it a full blast comes on and causes many bubbles (strong waves). what do you guys recommend? full blast or medium or no...
  6. vs

    Iodine and calcium question

    what does ph mo nitor do? and how much does one cost?
  7. vs

    lighting ???

    kelvin means how hot and powerful it is?
  8. vs

    lighting ???

    Hey, i have this 6 foot long pc lighting system that i got when i first started. yea i was a newb, got it for liek $999. so expensive! well anyways, on the bulbs it said 96 watt 6700k. 1. what does 6700 means? 2. there are two bulbs together kinda like attach, so it is 96 watts for the two...
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    Ordered LR From This Site

    what is vho, is that different from pc?
  10. vs

    Hospital Tank Question

    what store. can you say? it wont hurt any of us here. beside every body love
  11. vs

    Iodine and calcium question

    I am planing to buy Ph, phosphate, calcium, and nitrate salifert test kits, any more kit anyone think i should get beside these 4 or are they the main one. and btw. what additives should you guys recommend, should i use any additives at all? if it's neccesary, can someone tell me what additives...
  12. vs

    10 Gallon Nano For Sale Cheap In NY!!!

    hey , give me your full adress so i can look up direction and see how far i am away from you. thanks. my email is
  13. vs

    Extra Extra

    yes i have paypal
  14. vs

    Help here anemone

  15. vs

    How much LR?

    hey, im selling live rock. i sold 35 lbs for $100.00 included with shipping to RUBBERDUCKY. if you need any, let me know
  16. vs

    Help here anemone

    hey i just ordered two anemone, one carpet and one condi, they said that the acclimation should be temperature. "Acclimation Time: Temperature Acclimate" what does this mean?
  17. vs

    Extra Extra

    yes, please email me at everyone who is interested. Must get rid fast
  18. vs

    Help Help

    so i can jst go to the store, buy seafood, grind or chop it up and feed? how do i fee dthe anenome? just put it near them and they willl eat it?
  19. vs

    oceanic sea salt f/s

    hey what is your email address, i want to buy it. mine is email me with your address.
  20. vs

    Help Help

    can i just get frozen food from petstore? if i buy shrimp, scallop, or whatever seafood at the supermarket. how many do i get and how do i feed it to them?