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  1. reptifish

    too much algae

    the tank is 1 month old and yes i used dechlorinated tap water
  2. reptifish

    too much algae

    my 12 gallon jbj is over populated with algae what should i do? in the tank are 1 clownfish 3 pepermint shrimp and 10 snails. water conditions are ammonia 0 ph 8.2 nitrates 0 and nitrites are at 0 salinity is 0.025. and 10 lbs of fiji live rock :help:
  3. reptifish

    sister ruins nano

    ugh ive been gone for 2 days and my sister has killed a wonderful cleaner shrimp . all she had to do was feed him and turn the lights on and off. she is killing all my fish but i cant get home till tuesday she refuses to feed my eel even trhough she said she would sisters can be so stupid any1...
  4. reptifish

    octopus lighting

    i dont believe many people have octs. because if they are spooked they will relese ink which means a super big water chasnge for you would not recommend
  5. reptifish


    nope i never knew that but thanks for the heads up. whats up with the cat post what does a cat have to do with anything
  6. reptifish


    i would not advise getting 1 they are very agressive mine killed 4 fish in my 55. this will shock you this damsel fish controled a lion fish the lion never went aaafter it
  7. reptifish

    About to start up...

    the main reasons the nanos crack is that they have been modded from a particular website. i really like my 12 and i will be purchsing a 24 gallon soon. good luck with the tank
  8. reptifish

    My proud 20g long

    looks amazing keep up the good work
  9. reptifish

    Anyone use moonlights?

    i use moonlights in my 55 i love them and that setup soundls like what i have very good go with them
  10. reptifish


    my velvet neon damsel love to hide under the live rock in my tank you might want to carefully lift up your rock and check. i have never heard of anemonies eating fish. sea urchins yes but anemonies no
  11. reptifish

    Base Rock?

    search for live rock or base rock i tyhink i found it for around 2.99/ lb
  12. reptifish

    is there a way?

    im sorry but in your last post it sounds like you are planning to get a shark or ray any way what was the point in asking us if you were just going to ignore the advice?
  13. reptifish

    is there a way?

    i had the same ? about a month ago and i will advise you as i was. a 125 is just to small for a shark i only want 1 shark and live rock and it wouldn't work so the answer would be no. i am getting a 280 shark thats a pretty good size for almost any shark in the s/w trade
  14. reptifish

    exotic nano fish

    alrighty then ill be buying one of them thanks all
  15. reptifish

    exotic nano fish

    where would i get 1?
  16. reptifish

    exotic nano fish

    o and the tank is a 12 gal dx
  17. reptifish

    exotic nano fish

    i dont want to be a normal nano keeper i want somthing exotic money is unlimited so gimme any sugustions on what i should get fish wise
  18. reptifish

    What is your favorite animal?

    my fav is most definatly my ball python . ill post a pic wen im back on my computer
  19. reptifish

    porkupine and spiney box puffer tank mates??

    ok thanks dont think ill be trying that
  20. reptifish


    nope just the glitch