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  1. thamobster

    What the hell is it?!

    Hey everyone. Haven't written in awhile! My tank has been up and runnin for about a year and a half. Got a lot of coraline growth that has really made the tank look awesome. I have got a tang, 2 clowns, a lawnmower blenny, and a goby. Everythings doing great. I was lookin in at the tank today...
  2. thamobster

    what is killing my frogspawn

    ok about 9 months ago i put a healthy frogspawn into my never took as well as it did at the store because i believe my clownfish hosting it annoyed it..but now for the past few days it appears to be on its way out..its hiding inside the branches...4 of the 6 frogspawn still have their...
  3. thamobster

    Is My Crocea Clam Ok?

    hey i bought a croea over a month ago and when i put it in it was doing great..its got plenty of light and the calcium is would stay wide open and responsive but for the past few weeks it hasnt been the closes up not fully but more than it should...then if i move it to a new...
  4. thamobster

    Hiding Watchman Goby?

    Hey, I got a yellow watchman about 3 weeks ago. He was doing great, found a nice cave to call home immediately and would always slide through some rocks to see what was going on in the front of the tank. About 3 days he went missing. I couldn't find him in his cave, he would not come out when I...
  5. thamobster

    how often do u change ur filter floss

    hey i finally got a huge algae problem i had solved..well i thought tank will stay clean as a whistle algae free for about 3 months then it starts getting the brown algae on the aragonite sand and small amounts on the live rock.if i dont clean it everyday it will get extremely out of...
  6. thamobster

    Clowns hosting Frogspawn

    Hey. thanks everyone. I have had the tank runnin about 7 months now...I just got the FS a couple of days ago. its doin great so if my clowns do seem to bother it then I will have to get BTA and see if they go to that first. Should I add any supplements in my tank? I have the FS and branching...
  7. thamobster

    Clowns hosting Frogspawn

    Hey everyone...after dealing with a huge hair algae outbreak I redid my tank and got some great corals. One being frogspawn. I have 2 percula clowns in the tank and they have come to like the frogspawn and every now and then I see them sliding onto it. Is this regular? And is it ok if the clowns...
  8. thamobster

    Help! My Brace On My Bowfront Melted

    Hey everyone, thanks for the advice. I went to my LFS and told them my problem and they told me they would be able to order me a new top portion of the frame. It doesn't come in until April 6 so I'm still waiting, but how am I going to get my old frame with the broken brace off? I still have...
  9. thamobster

    is my lighting strong enough and set up properly

    ok to make a long story short i had a aqualight lunar powercompact with 1 96watt actintic and 1 96 watt 10000k..i just bought a 250w hqi pendant setup with a 10000k bulb..i hated the color so i replaced the 10000k in the powercompact with another i have 2 96 watt actintics and a...
  10. thamobster

    why is my calcium level is 1040?

    nope.. i use crystal sea salt though..which is wierd cuz i thought that crystal sea didnt have much calcium in it either
  11. thamobster

    why is my calcium level is 1040?

    ive been fighting a hairy algae problem now for a few months..i just bought an ro/di water filter cuz i figured i have phosphates in my water...but before i started using it i tested all my levels and they are all good except my calcium..its off the charts..its at this good or bad and...
  12. thamobster

    HQI Bulb Question

    i also just tried turning off the 10000k on the aqualight to see if itd make a made a slight difference..but it didnt seem like there was enough light when i did..i think im gonna need all the light i can get cuz i have a few anemones and now a clam..and id like the...
  13. thamobster

    HQI Bulb Question

    yeah i actually have an aqualight lunar running with the hqi..its 96watt atintic and 10000k with lunar i guess the 10000k from the lunar light is also contributing to the whiteness..yeah i think id really need the blue affect let it run its course first though..does the...
  14. thamobster

    HQI Bulb Question

    hey just yesterday i bought an hqi pendand and if u look at the thread below youll see im already having problems..but my question is my hqi came with the aqualine 10,000 k bulb..after turning it on its bright but id like more of a blue then the dull white color..i hear the 20,000 k is a bit...
  15. thamobster

    Help! My Brace On My Bowfront Melted

    ok cool..thanks for all the u think itd be ok to remove the melted brace and just make a new brace with a more durable clear plexiglass..cuz the black brace also blocks some of the light
  16. thamobster

    Help! My Brace On My Bowfront Melted

    ok thanks..its only maybe 4-5 inches from the top of the brace..its just a really hard setup cuz i have an aqualight lunar and the hqi i just bought barely fits in the front of the tank. i may try to epoxy or glue it back together but im not sure how im going to prevent it from happening...
  17. thamobster

    Help! My Brace On My Bowfront Melted

    hey i have a 46 gallon bowfront reeftank..i just bought a 250w hqi pendant and installed it over my tank..unfortunately it totally melted the brace in the middle of the this as important as im told to keep the tank together long term..i was told not to break it off cuz its for...
  18. thamobster

    Fish Eggs?

    Hey everyone. Got a question about all these little white things all over my glass and LR. They just started appearing about 2-3 weeks ago. I have a couple of anemones and three true percs, which if they are eggs they are from them. They are pretty hard to scrape off but I've had too b/c they...
  19. thamobster

    400w PFO HQI set up for sale

    hey u have any pics of the light?
  20. thamobster

    250 Watt HQI Pendant with icecap

    hey do u still have the light for sale im interested.thanks