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  1. thangbom

    Calcium not going up??!!

    Using Balanced Additives Just as in many other fields of human endeavor, the easiest way to solve reef tank chemistry problems is to prevent them from happening in the first place. That may sound trite, but there are ways to maintain reef tanks that require substantially fewer measurements of...
  2. thangbom

    Calcium not going up??!!

    Corrections for Zone 4 Zone 4 problems are also a little harder to correct. It is typically caused by overdosing calcium RELATIVE to alkalinity, but does not necessarily imply that alkalinity is either to high or too low (though it is almost always too low). To correct problems in this zone...
  3. thangbom

    Calcium not going up??!!

    Corrections for Zone 3 Zone 3 problems are a little harder to correct, and are fairly common. It is, in fact, the problem in the real question posed at the beginning of this article (it doesn’t say so there, but the alkalinity was 3.2 meq/L). This problem is typically caused by overdosing...
  4. thangbom

    Calcium not going up??!!

    Corrections for Zone 1 Zone 1 is the easiest problem to correct. Unfortunately, it is also very uncommon. In this case, both calcium and alkalinity are on the high side of normal. Moreover, if you leave the tank alone, the problem will likely correct itself, and you will end up in the red...
  5. thangbom

    Calcium not going up??!!

    Recommended Ranges Before getting into problems and solutions, let’s first define what constitutes a problem and what does not. Based on published studies3 involving the calcification of corals and other organisms, I recommend the following: Alkalinity2 (due to bicarbonate and carbonate but not...
  6. thangbom

    Calcium not going up??!!

    CHEMISTRY AND THE AQUARIUM by RANDY HOLMES-FARLEY Sponsored in part by: Solving Calcium and Alkalinity Problems For many reefkeepers, correcting undesirable calcium1 and alkalinity2 values can be among the most vexing of the chemical problems encountered in maintaining a reef tank. Most...
  7. thangbom

    Calcium not going up??!!

    get our cal / alk/ mgnesium tests confirmed by 2nd testing source.... your calcim might not climb if your the other rages are out of wack too.. YzGyz
  8. thangbom

    How to lower ph quickly?

    shootist, happen to have any readings or links to this info??? i only know f using vinegar to increase kalkwasser potency by allowing more kalk to dissolve into the water... and to percipitate out phosphate with the help of a simmer.... YzGyz
  9. thangbom

    mixing two different salt

    i use IO.. then add dowflake and im good to go.... ( IO has good mag and alk lvl.. but a low ic CA.. o i add DOW flakes.. 2.5 tsp i think and that boost it up to about 400 ithink.. for a 20 gal batch.. i have it written down on y wc water harvest can.. but i think t's 2.5 tsp..) YzGyz
  10. thangbom

    Is this a good price for a tank?

    thats a good deal imo.. but it's hard to take care of ( kinda tall.. you will need a snorkle to mess inside the tank) .. but cool... that will make one cool agressive tank!! YzGyz
  11. thangbom

    Pet store has a Regal Angel

    heh... i feel you... the nce fish are the ones that eat the nice sticks... thats why i need to get a 2nd tank and go fowlr... that way.. if he nips... i can move him and still be happy... YzGyz
  12. thangbom

    mixing two different salt

    i have not personnally dont it but i have read a bit on eople that have dont it.. and the do it for the exact reason you stated... seems like it would work but thats just an extra step for me to do... and i woulnt trust the consistancy too much... as you might not put exactly the same or...
  13. thangbom

    Skimmer Bubbles

    i was going to suggest a bubble trap... any container like that that will retain the water till the bubble rise to the top and burst... something like a cup with holes punchd in the bottom placed so that the skimmer dums it's outlet water into the cup..bubble wont be able to float around...
  14. thangbom

    How to lower ph quickly?

    there are 2 ways that i kmnow of to lower is to directly inject co2 .. with something like a plant co2 reactor and thw other is to buy those carbonated water and pour it in... ( i think likew those selzer waters) sidenote.. you will do the opposite if ph is low.. you will need to...
  15. thangbom

    Pet store has a Regal Angel

    most angels imo will kill zoos... but that is not the main concern... Regals are one of the hardest fish to keep long term... and i do mean hard... the first test you should do before even considering to buy it is ask the LFS to feed it... if it eats.. then you can think to consider buying...
  16. thangbom

    instant ocean buffer

    alk buffers spike ph.... maybe your tank is too small for the amount that you added in one go.. did you add in a high flow area?? are those parms after adding the buffer?? those reading look dead on good imo... if they where b4 adding the buffer than you didn't need to add it... YzGyz
  17. thangbom

    Skimmer Mod Help Please

    make a stand out od pvc and eggcrate... look around at the craft store for a plastic backet?.. you can use lots of things to rop up your skimmer.. just make sure you have enought hieght clearence to take to collection cup off.. YzGyz
  18. thangbom

    Octopus NW 150

    no problem ill try ti get back at you if you need further help but dotn hold me for it.. school is killing me.. and i dont come on swf too ofthen.. shoot me a pm is anything.. YzGyz
  19. thangbom

    Octopus 200 Mod question

    not exactly from the tank.. it can be from anywhere in the system... (sump,fuge,main tank, as long as it's from the same colum of water)... as is... you skimmer is taking water in directly from the pump...( water in is in the sump npt connected to anything) but if you recirc it .. the feed...
  20. thangbom

    Octopus NW 150

    have you modded the pump anyway??? only thing i can think of is that the impellar cant handle moving a high concentraion of water.. in our case 100 h2o when it is off... the reason as to why it works after the water lvl s lower in the skimmer body is because the water lvl in the venturi line...