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  1. cresh1966

    Post Pics Of Diy Stands...

    I posted some other pics in my own thread I was lucky, an in-wall is not quite as hard as a stand (sturdier base)
  2. cresh1966

    2L Coke bottle DYI Chiller

    Bang, if he were to put the frozen bottles in his sump and let water run over them would that work???????????
  3. cresh1966

    pics of my new tank

    thanks, :happyfish I spent alot of time framing it in (the walnut facing was the worst)
  4. cresh1966

    pics of my new tank

    hope these pics come out OK, this is my 135gal. in-wall tank
  5. cresh1966

    Wilkes-Barre *****

    not all Petcos, springfield carries limited equipment and no SW fish
  6. cresh1966

    decorator crab vrs brittle star

    I asked this same question under another subject with no responses would a decorator crab eat a brittle star? Haven't seen my star in about a month, and then he looked like a chew toy for something. Soon after his last appearence I found a 2 1/2" wide Decorator Crab roaming around. Can't believe...
  7. cresh1966

    Dumb Question

    does anyone know?
  8. cresh1966

    Dumb Question

    Maybe dumb, but... would a decorator crab eat a brittle star? Haven't seen my star in about a month, and then he looked like a chew toy for something. Soon after his last appearence I found a 2 1/2" wide Decorator Crab roaming around. Can't believe I never seen it before, but he really blends in...
  9. cresh1966

    How big of a tank can my floor support?

    to think, I've complained about having a slab foundation for years. not any more :happyfish
  10. cresh1966

    question about hermit crabs

    any chance it might be a small bristle worm who found a home?
  11. cresh1966

    opinions wanted

    UNLEASHED...I knew about the triggers, don't think a puffer would work either RARA..... that is a pretty wrasse, I had a 6-line one once but it wouldn't leave the other fish alone didn't think porkfish were reef safe :notsure:
  12. cresh1966

    opinions wanted

    thnx, I've seen that butterfly before but never heard its name.
  13. cresh1966

    opinions wanted

    i appreciate the ideas still not sure, probably combine the thoughts Unleashed..... what is a pearlscale? never heard of it
  14. cresh1966

    No3 Nitrate problems

    are you going to test today? if so please post (curious to the results) :notsure:
  15. cresh1966

    opinions wanted

    I didn't think butterfly fish were reef safe
  16. cresh1966

    No3 Nitrate problems

    the more times you clean it the less cloudy it gets. When I first started you couldn't see the back wall through the cloud, now you can see lengthwise through the tank
  17. cresh1966

    opinions wanted

    Jacksonville. fedukeford's list would look good together in a tank I am going to another clarki and mandrins for sure the "boss" likes the looks of a coral beauty we tried one before but it never made it (don't know why all levels were OK) any other idea's????
  18. cresh1966

    No3 Nitrate problems

    I've had cc in a 75 gal tank for a long time, and vaccum my bed weekly for my water changes. Although alot of peole will protest the use of cc, it can be used with proper cleaning. I don't remove my fish when I clean, just go slow and they get used to it (now my blenny follows the siphon and...
  19. cresh1966

    opinions wanted

    I'm going to install my 135gal tank inside a wall next week (been all winter planning, getting materials, equipment, etc.) It will have corals slowly added as money allows. I've finally got everything I need, but wanted to hear some thoughts on what to stock it with. My wife wants a colorful...
  20. cresh1966

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    VERY GOOD TOPIC!!!!!! congratulations Chaci. I wish I had known how much easier it is now versus 25 years ago, and that this message board existed. would have tried salt again much sooner.