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  1. bcollie

    ? about true perc's color change

    I have a darling little true perc clown; I figure its about 3-4 mths old. I noticed the other day it's color is starting to darken, especially down it's back between the ring around its neck and the ring around its middle. All fins and it's tail have turned black. I'm not worried, the little...
  2. bcollie

    Im new at this need help

    Stringrayman is right...the black & white clown is an ocellaris, not a true percula. You will be better off with a orange & white ocellaris(false perc) and the black & white ocellaris (false perc). I know everybody is mixing different colored clowns together, but as I understand it, the rule...
  3. bcollie

    Proud keeper of mated pr of jawfish

    They are the yellowhead jawfish and they arrived this past Tuesday. OMG..they are so beautiful...I am thrilled. I wish I could figure out which is the male and which is the female. One is larger, fleshier and sort of goofy; the other is smaller, slimmer and very industrious. While the larger...
  4. bcollie

    Skimmer on this normal

    Well....uh... I had the skimmer adjusting knob turned up. I swear I don't remember turning it up, but obviously I did....duh. Thanks for your response.
  5. bcollie

    Skimmer on this normal

    I've had some problems in the past getting the ph, alk and cal numbers to where they should be. The numbers are now better now, but my skimmer is pulling wet skimmate out like crazy. About 2 cups a day (that's the amt I use to get per week). I've adjusted the skimmer, but I've seen little...
  6. bcollie

    Tis the season for....brook?

    I think I confused treatments, or combined them in my mind thinking I needed to do both to treat brook. Thinking back, I did notice one had a blemish on its side..that was about 1 days after I got the fish home. Neither ate with the gusto I would expect of clown fish, and I offered them...
  7. bcollie

    Tis the season for....brook?

    Everything I've read says brook is highly contagious...does this mean I need to toss the sponge that is in the power filter? If there are no fish in the qt tank, all the bugs should die right? Even the ones on the sponge..if there are any on the sponge. thanks...
  8. bcollie

    Tis the season for....brook?

    I thought I read reducing salinity was used for brook too. Regardless, they did go quick..less than 48 hrs I think. I just can't think of what could have stressed or traumatized them to cause the brook to flare up. This is one of those times I want to chuck it all and just stick with my dogs...
  9. bcollie

    Tis the season for....brook?

    The 2nd clown died over night. Since these clowns were tank bred, born & raised, I wonder if it would have been better not to qt them. I contacted the guy who shared the order with me (he bought 3 black & white clowns) and his clowns are doing just fine...his were not placed in a qt but were...
  10. bcollie

    Tis the season for....brook?

    Thanks for your reply. The clowns have been in a qt tank since I brought the clowns home. I started the hyposalinity in the qt this morning. I am using a borrowed refractor to test the salinity. My camera won't let me get a photo that close to reveal the clown's skin. As I feared, one clown...
  11. bcollie

    Inplace of pump & airstone, can powerhead be used?

    I read that if chemical treatment is necessary for brook, the items need are a container(tank, bucket, etc), heater (if needed), pump and airstone. I don't have a pump & airstone. I do have an extra mj 400. I was wondering if I could substitute the powerhead for the pump & airstone. I hope I...
  12. bcollie

    Tis the season for....brook?

    I did look at the pictures last night, and the clowns did look to like they have brook last night, then this morning they looked like the had ich and then about 30 minutes later, it appeared to be brook again. The 'spots' were so well defined in the 'ich' period I knew they had ich (I mean...
  13. bcollie

    Inplace of pump & airstone, can powerhead be used?

    I have an extra 400 mj that is not being used. I do not have a pump, tubing & airstone. If a chemical treatment is ever needed, can I substitute the powerhead for the pump/airstone? Thanks, dr
  14. bcollie

    Tis the season for....brook?

    When I checked them this morning, I thought they had ich!...that is how bad they looked. About 30 minutes later, they looked like they did last night...more a dusty coating on their bodies. They do have skin blemishes..lesions I assume; its hard to tell since they are black. One is gasping...
  15. bcollie

    Tis the season for....brook?

    I guess what both my qt black & white clowns have is brook. They were fine & eating this morning; tonight they have a white dusting over their bodies. Their breathing is heavy and each is stationary in its own spot. I'll find the treatment tomorrow and start it tomorrow night. Are their...
  16. bcollie

    Carniverous Peppermint shrimp?

    I think BoneBrake might be on to something...I was searching threads to see if I could find out why my feather duster is lying limp halfway out of its tube. Its crown is still attached. I thought this morning that its tube appeared to be torn The only recent item added to my tank were 2...
  17. bcollie

    Why hyposalinity and/or copper treatment?

    plus, a happy fish in a fish friendly qt tank is not a stressed fish. :happyfish Movement from the 1st qt tank to the 2nd fish friendly qt is only a temporary issue for the fish and the fish quickly acclimates to the 2nd qt. And I can relax...
  18. bcollie

    Why hyposalinity and/or copper treatment?

    There is a very small window of opportunity for either treatment. Using either treatments can do more damage to the fish than to the both are labor intensive...why bother? Why put a fish w/ ich, or a newly aquired fish that presents ich, in a qt for 6 wks for the fish to be...
  19. bcollie

    My anemone still has tentacle problems!

    Just keep doing what you are might take a yr for your anemone to fully recover. For an anemone to recover its tentacles, you are certainly doing something right. All animals have strong survival instincts...even blobs like anemones.
  20. bcollie

    a clown question

    Anyone know of any private breeders of either black & white occs or true percs? I don't like the stock I see in lfs and I prefer to buy from a breeder. I'm in NC. Thanks!!