Search results

  1. gobylover

    Wobbegong shark,I think

    Ok.Went to lfs yesterday and they had a wobbegong shark.Its about 12'' long.Its camoed brown and tan.It has a flat head with what looks like flaps of skin all around its mouth.The lfs told me it was a trade in and it was not an aggressive fish and would thrive in my 125 gallon tank.Now this...
  2. gobylover

    What to do?

    Ok.I have had my clownfish for almost 2 years now.He has always had a green carpet.Well the carpet died.Now the clown is attacking my puffer.My puffer though has been acting funny.I got the clown another anemone thinking he is just tempermental because of his loss.Nope,he took right to the new...
  3. gobylover

    Is this normal?

    I have a green spotted puffer that is very and of course a hog.For some reason I have not been able to keep snails in my tank.Today I just bought 3 big turbo snails.Well the puff keeps going up to them and biting them!!!Is this normal and what should I do??The puff also eats frozen,live feeder...
  4. gobylover

    Green Spotted Puffers?

    I also have one.Hes been in my tank for about 4 months and no problems.The store that I got him from had abot 12 of them swimming around together.When I first brought it home it didn't eat for about a week and a half,but has been fine since.He eats feeder guppies as well as frozen.
  5. gobylover

    Red Sea Sailfin OR Orangeshoulder

    If you are wanting a tang,I would go with a sailfin.They are very hardy and very nice fish!!hth
  6. gobylover

    Red Sea Sailfin OR Orangeshoulder

    Well,I wouldn't put all 3 in at the same time.Do you quarantine?I like the red sailfins,but whatever you do,I would put the yellow tang in last.I was told this but didn't listen and now my yellow tang is on the verge of getting flushed.It won't leave anyone alone.
  7. gobylover

    when should i change my water

    Oh,also,if your nitrite or ammonia levels are high.
  8. gobylover

    when should i change my water

    I do a 25% water change on my 125 once a month.Seems to be working.
  9. gobylover

    Hermit crab it crawling around without his shell

    I don't know much about it,but I once had one that wondered around for 2 weeks without a shell.Is he eating?I know how you feel.I was worried about mine.All I can say is good luck.Sorry I couldn't help any more.
  10. gobylover

    Hermit crab it crawling around without his shell

    I don't know much about it,but I once had one that wondered around for 2 weeks without a shell.Is he eating?I know how you feel.I was worried about mine.All I can say is good luck.Sorry I couldn't help any more.
  11. gobylover

    Blue ribbon Eel

    Just wondering if they do good in a community tank.I have a Betta,2 tangs,a clown,a puffer,and a bass.Sound ok?What do they eat and are there any special requirements in keeping them?Thanks in advance!!
  12. gobylover

    Big problem

    Yep.That would be it.The lfs told me if I didn't like them I could pick them off!!!Maybe thats why I have so many.I picked a few off when I first got it.Thanks for the info.I better work on getting this fixed...
  13. gobylover

    Big problem

    About 3 months ago,I got some polyps.Onthe rock,there were these things that look like a cross between an anemone and a polyp.The lfs store said they wouldn't hurt anything.Now they are on all my live rock and all my corals have died.Now,I'm not 100% sure that is the reason,but what else could...
  14. gobylover

    hyposalinity? garlic juice? freshwater dips? huh?

    Well,the measure you take really depends on what else is in your tank.???Instead of telling you about each one,you can do a search in this forum for each one.You will find all the info you need.If your still not sure or satisfied,feel free to ask away. ;)
  15. gobylover

    Flame Hawk

    Do you have any other fish in there now?My Hawk just killed my mandarine fish yesterday.I have had the Man. for a little over a year and the Hawk for about 2 months.I would add it last yes.But I would be kind of cautios with the wrasse.How big is it?
  16. gobylover

    Please help my trigger!!

    What has most likely happened is the open wound got inffected.What do you have in your tank?Such as corals or live rock,inverts?You should have treated the wound with some Stress Coat.That might have avoided furthur problems.I assume you don't have a hospital tank???They are a must.Is it still...
  17. gobylover

    Naso Tang Died!!

    I also lost my Naso 3 days ago.She started hiding out a lot,stopped eating,and layed on her side.She also lost a lot of weight.I went to town to get some various foods to see if she would take any,and when I came home....well. :( How crazy.
  18. gobylover

    Updated tank pics with new 2-250 mh 10k

    Nice pics.But,what does the dhe stand for in your name if you don't mind me asking?I know what the rest means! ;)
  19. gobylover


    I have come to the conclusion that Nori and selects have a complete different flavor.I keep both on hand.My sailfin will eat both,my Naso only eats the nori and my Yellow only eats the selects.Go figure.
  20. gobylover

    Do Anenones kill your fish

    What kind of anemones are they?