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  1. jimmy234

    Algae Problems!

    that thread helps alot. thanks! i think it may be our water.
  2. jimmy234

    Algae Problems!

    i forget my exact numbers, but i'm pretty sure my nitrates and nitrites were at 0. My pH was at 8.0 my alkalinity doesn't give a number, it just says if its normal or high or low. Mine was normal. My amonia, if i had to guess, was probably at about 0.01. It is supposed to be yellow after all the...
  3. jimmy234

    will all these fish get along?

    two questions: 1. What comes in the reef package? 2. What kind of watchman? (Tiger watchman goby is out of the question for a 24 gallon tank) You may even have some room after this, but don't go crazy.
  4. jimmy234

    Algae Problems!

    Guys, I have a major algae problem. I'll admit it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have a 55 gal tank with probably a good 30 hermit crabs in there. I have a long spine urchin that eats alot of algae, and an emerald crab and a boxing crab somewhere. Also i have a tiger watchman goby (he...
  5. jimmy234

    some new additions

    errr u and ur having enough money to buy stuff:D hehehe very nice tank
  6. jimmy234

    Can i sefely add these to my tank?

    Originally posted by hopkins6 yes, just wash them off first i second the motion
  7. jimmy234

    my new addition

    very nice looks like u need some swimming activity though. hehe i dunno how old the tank is... so u may not be ready very clean and well set up though
  8. jimmy234

    anenome identification

    ok everyone dont shoot me down instantly but because the pic is blurry and unclear it may even be coral. It will be easy to tell with the next pic though. just thought i'd throw the idea out.
  9. jimmy234


    errr... ok thanks anyway. thanks for the tip
  10. jimmy234


    there was a thread a while ago that had a picture and the caption said limecat is not pleased! and it was funny:yes:
  11. jimmy234

    lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form

    ahhh... can u feel the love?
  12. jimmy234


    WHERES LIMECAT?! I NEED A LINK TO LIMECAT!!!!!!!!! HELPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! JUST TELL ME THE NAME OF THE THREAD.... or just tell me the name of the thread EITHER ONE! PLEASE!?!!!
  13. jimmy234

    Anenome problems

    im not very good with specs like that... im good with knowing names of fish and stuff (like everyone here is) its deffinately strong enough lighting... its the top of the line lighting i have 2 normal lights and 1 atinic light and the atinics on for about 10 hours a day and the normal lights 8
  14. jimmy234

    Lets See Those Teen Tanks

    im 13 and i have a great tank.... 2 actually but one of them is a snowflake eel only tank. (the 55 gal has an algae problem and is only a year old... but still looks great none the less) one problem.... No Camera! errrrrr your tanks look great though
  15. jimmy234

    test photo

  16. jimmy234

    posing firefish...

    very nice
  17. jimmy234

    ID Please

    it may be an anenome. im not sure though if it is an aiptatia then a copperband butterfly will get the job done too
  18. jimmy234

    carpenter flasher wrasse

    snails will clean anything.... mostly the glass though. they tend to stay away from subtrate. As for the wrasse... i think it would be a great addition. they're colorful, energetic, active, and easy. I just recievced about 25 hermits, a handful of snails, and a filamented flasher wrasse in the...
  19. jimmy234

    Dories and Nemos?

    is it just me or does it really get old when people call clownfish, not just ocellaris clowns but all clowns, nemos and blue hippo tangs dories? errr gets kind of annoying. i know they dont know any better... but oh well
  20. jimmy234

    Copperband Butterfly

    hehe copperbanded butterflies at my lfs are like $25-$35.... ive only ever seen 1 $35 one though and he was huge. awesome tank!!!!